More evidence the media is a complete fraud

This is a great example of ‘don’t believe anything you hear/see on TV.’ That’s right ANYTHING. There is an agenda behind every bit of ‘news’ you see on TV:

Mick Foley even discussed this in his first book.

Somebody (maybe Couric, even) showed him a clip of kids horsing around imitating his wrestling moves and he said, "Nothing wrong with any of that.

Then she showed him another clip of guys doing really extreme, stupid stuff, and he said, “This is bad. Somebody needs to stop these guys.”

When his interview actually aired, the audience saw the second clip, but they saw his response to the first video.

So basically something like this? (Not Rick Rolling, promise.)

does magic seal really work

I’m not sure why this isn’t getting more attention. Couric should be sued for outright fraud and never be allowed to work in media or journalism ever again. She literally manipulated and cut videos she shot for her “documentary” against guns and rearranged then in a different order to give the impression that the gun owner group she interviewed were idiots who had no good answers to her questions. She literally fabricated a “ah ha I gotcha” moment. This is completely disgusting

unfortunately it’s just par for the course these days. idiocracy is here.

Maybe change the title of this thread to something like: more evidence the media is a complete fraud

Did the media report on the same speech? Hundreds giving standing ovations and cheering loudly when he mentions the dishonest media. “News” outlets quoting Brennan saying Trump should be ashamed of himself as if he represents the opinion of the CIA community. Turn it off folks, it’s all propaganda.
