Where are the leaders?

Brexit left a huge political fallout for the UK in which even many of the “leave” campaingers (primarily Boris Johnson) dropped their bid to become PM. No one has taken ownership of the mess they caused. The new potential PM, Theresa May has the potential to stop the maddness that is Brexit by ignoring the referendum, which wasn’t won by a huge margin 52-48 and is non-binding (a suggestion from the populace).

Yes we live in a democracy yes, but more accurately, a representative democracy. We elect leaders to make choices for us since they are supposedly better qualified and have more accurate information. While going against the majority is by definition, not the popular choice, I think it shows true leadership if demonstrated to benefit the country. Said differently, would these same leaders approve slavery if a referendum was held at a margin of 52-48? It seems no one has the guts to fall on the sword and is interested in their own and party’s political gain. It’s sad and does show the limits of our current democracy. I don’t know what a better system is since at least in a democracy there is the chance for free flow of thought and discussion. But democracy can also lead to mob rule or tragedy of the commons scenarios such as what we are witnessing.

Exactly! That’s why it’s pointless to poll the masses on complicated planning decisions, or decisions that require the input of specialists (like Brexit). What, Joe at the bar is going to run an economic model and tell you the right answer? He can understand the models from the specialists?

Joe simply picks Boris / Tsipras / Trump , no plan at all. Wrong answer.

I’m not sure how to write this without sounding like a 1st year college student in the pub but Brexit has shattered my belief in democracy.

The right to vote doesn’t matter at all; it’s the accountability of leaders that’s key.

You actually believed before??

If you’re going to ignore the referendum, then why have it in the first place? If you have a referendum, it needs to result in policy, otherwise you wouldn’t have done it…

Palatir the change in avatar is really throwing me off

I too am an advocate of representative democracy. Having said this, do you believe Brexit is really going to be detrimental to GB’s long term eco/social development? These economist must admit their estimates were incorrect and perhaps their forecast are too. I link the EU closer to the soviet union than the united states. This assasination of character on those who voted for leave is largely the reason other notable economist fail to release their thesis for leave. Read Dave Autor’s work, he will shed new light on this topic.

^why do people keep listening to “expert” forecasts when they are never correct? Must be something in our dna. The UK will be fine either way. There’s a forecast.

You went all-in and bought the UK dip then, right?

^Not all in, I only handicap, but i did buy some ewu at 13.90 and I said the dip was the dumbest thing since munis falling on whitney. All documented here. You really should read The Black Swan and The Rational Optimist. It would dawn on you why most laugh at you. You’re a cliché.

Naw sorry, I don’t do that – worship “celebrities”, that’s an American cliche.