Honey bee sting pain index by body location


The Schmidt Sting Pain Index rates the painfulness of 78 Hymenoptera species, using the honey bee as a reference point. However, the question of how sting painfulness varies depending on body location remains unanswered. This study rated the painfulness of honey bee stings over 25 body locations in one subject (the author). Pain was rated on a 1–10 scale, relative to an internal standard, the forearm. In the single subject, pain ratings were consistent over three repetitions. Sting location was a significant predictor of the pain rating in a linear model (p < 0.0001, DF = 25, 94, F = 27.4). The three least painful locations were the skull, middle toe tip, and upper arm (all scoring a 2.3). The three most painful locations were the nostril, upper lip, and penis shaft (9.0, 8.7, and 7.3, respectively). This study provides an index of how the painfulness of a honey bee sting varies depending on body location.


Wait, did I read correctly that the author experimented on himself by stinging his dick repeatedly with bees?

Well, that’s one way to get naming rights to an index.

Check out the Sting locations. LOL

Ohai, you going though something? Totally weird string of threads from you lately.

running out of research ideas or what lol

I just have a persistent love of science. Science and dick jokes.

In the article, the Schmidt’s highest rating sting pain, at 4+, on a scale of 0 to 4, is from the bullet ant.


Good stuff.

long time ago i got stung on the sole of my foot. it was the most annoying pain ever. felt it every step i took.

lesson: always wear boots to and around the pool

Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen.

imagine getting stung in the nostril!!! That would be horrible!!! F- that!!!

Do you want to volunteer to be bitten by fire ants? For science.


lol imagine being some paid volunteer who goes in that day and is told he must get stung by bees and report how painful it is. Oh ok cool! Now pull down your pants were gonna sting your johnson. F that

Did he only try the shaft, or the head as well?

I don’t think so, but based on the “sting locations” diagram as posted above, the scrotum was a distinct observation point, in addition to the shaft.

Just another example of medical research casually assuming that all patients are male…

True. Although in this case, it is most likely because the author himself was the test subject and he is a male. Plus, if he had published a paper about stinging a naked woman, he would probably be accused of sexual violence or having a disturbing fetish.