Trump Democrat

In the '80’s we had the Reagan Democrat - a traditionally democratic voter, especially white working-class Northerners or Midwesterners, who defected from their party to support Ronald Reagan.

I now give you the Trump Democrat - a traditionally democratic voter, especially voters in rust belt population centers, who sat at home on election day because they couldn’t support Hillary Clinton.

Yes, I was thinking this too. People asked me, “How could Trump do well in blue states like Michigan and Wisconsin,” and my answer was, “Because he speaks to the issues that matter most to the rust belt.” His answers are not very plausible, but at least they know he hears their pain. Bill could feel their pain. Hillary didn’t seem to care about them at all. So yeah, they were democrats, but they didn’t feel that the democratic candidate had much to offer them.

I am a leftist, but the left went on an identiy politics binge. Identity is not unimportant, but it’s definitely not sufficient to win elections.

I realized as I go through the post mortem, there’s irony in the fact that Bill’s campaign was about “It’s the economy, stupid!” Whereas Hillary missed that “It’s still the economy, stupid!”

Hillary’s first and only outwardly sincere slogan was “It’s time for Hillary”. Ok elect Hillary because… Hillary wants to become President? Once you lead by making the campaign about yourself, it’s hard to come back.

stronger together

It’s my turn, stupid!

That was basically her slogan.

Also, “I’m with her”

I think that one is also indicating her gender, so it seems progressive. Some Cornell IR (“because I am interested in international issues”) major is probably so happy with themselves for penning that.

+1 LOL

deal me in

The thing to remember is “republicans and democrats” are made up, imaginary things. Yes, it’s true, Trump is not really a republican, but he’s not a democrat either, he’s a unique individual. That might be important, because I don’t think he gives a sh!t about these “sides”, he does what he wants.