in trouble

Got wasted last night and lost my house keys, wife had to let me in at 4am…

whats the problem?

oh dear, and you can’t even use the Christmas season excuse yet.

I did something similar a few months ago. I hadn’t lost my keys, I had just lost the ability to use them to open doors

Did you smell like the perfume of another woman? That will definitely cause troubles at 4am…

At least you didn’t lose your wedding band…

Keep duplicate keys at your fwb’s place.

That’s fine until your fwb decides to stalk you and shows up at your place unannounced.

Best to leave a spare set of keys with a guy friend. Preferably a gay guy friend.

Remember this important advice:

Palm - respect Backhand - discipline

I don’t see a problem.

You still use keys? Hacksaw.

It happens man but what were you doing while wasted? Did you black-out?

I had to call the wife at 4am to open the door… I feel terrible for it. She definitly hit me… can’t remember if it was a back hand or front hand. I blacked out most of the night.

I did however spend £1500… I feel sick for it!!

It was the work xmas party though…

Oh, I don’t know if pokhim has one? No Homo

You didn’t miss any chance to quantify anything? You are probably one of the BSD here who makes $1M a year if not then I’m surprised sorry…

Double hacksaw.