Get Woke

Get non-dual y’all


A 49 minute video? Seriously? Please stop.

enlightenment takes more than 2:00. Let’s say you make $100 per hour, you wouldn’t pay $82 to attain the key to total consciousness?

Isn’t enlightenment something you can only discover through your own organic path. No one can tell you how yo find it. They can only tell you how they found it.

a sign of someone going full retard is when they are trying to ‘enlighten’ others

TF treats pseudo science like real science vice versa. Its amusing to watch

Yes, Simple Jack taught us never to go full retard.

yo ace is that you?

Too long, feel asleep before I was able to be woke.

Well you are the resident expert on quantum physics and consciousness, so if anyone is qualified to opine on their possible intersection, it’s you. thank you for your insights.

anyone claiming to be an expert in consciousness is likely also trying to sell you a book on their untested unscientific theories. You clearly buy into all that pseudo science so there is your market. Doesnt matter if he has any clue what he is talking about or making baseless claims once he leaves the realm of real science. Is your chakra vibrating at 432 or 528 hz brooooo

i feel bad for you. someone told you that meditating was awesome once. you tried it but you couldn’t quiet your monkey mind so you gave up after 10 minutes and wrote it off as hogwash. if only your ability to concentrate wasn’t so weak, you might catch a glimpse of a reality you never knew existed.

Turd, you are my homie and all. But you may want to read more grounded spiritual content for a little, like Waking Up by Sam Harris. You don’t want to be this guy

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You feel bad for me? What a pompous statement. Im quite content living my life, I dont need to seek “deeper meaning” because my life already has meaning.

…relative to the guy sitting in the cube next to you. that guy can’t even get a girlfriend.

get altered y’all


anyone try ayahuasca? this ties into the war on consciousness (the ultimate individual sovereignty).


when you have a sweet bearskin rug like AJ, you break it out any chance you get. common sense.