10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman in Hijab

Bring out the gimp!

Saw Pulp Fiction at a theater in Texas, actually. The whole sequence in which the gimp is involved was one of the most hilariously strange detours I’ve ever seen in a film.

Metal bikini Princess Leia?

saw a post on facebook today


There was a brutal one with a Jets fan walking with his jersey on.


@higgmond Tantive IV Leia

I don’t know. When I was white in India, it was often challenging to go anywhere without anyone trying to sell me something or beg for money. The street vendors in particular were among the most persistent and pushy I’d run into anywhere in the world, including China, Africa, and Latin America.

Perhaps sexual harrassment on the street isn’t as common as is said here, and perhaps the relative coverage of rape stories is not representative of the actual relative frequency of rapes, but I can say “White [person] in India, barely anyone notices” doesn’t ring true for me.

Admittedly, it was worst was when I was in more touristy places. When I was working near my project’s office, I did get a few stares now and then, but I wasn’t harrassed like the woman in New York was. I do remember watching a monkey (looked like a baboon, or approximatlely that large) just wandering down the street in broad daylight. It was walking upright, though using all fours, but just on the sidewalk, as if it were a regular person, not wanting to go on the street. One of the most surprising things I ever saw anywhere.

India is the country where I ran across the largest number of medium-to-large animals just wandering about or being used for purposes. I knew about the cows, and horses are common elsewhere too, but the camels, elephants, monkeys, and I’m sure I’m forgetting some now. They were all indeed impressive.

For poor Indians seeing a white person in their village or where they come from is very rare so you would get a lot of stares.Middle class and above Indians are used to seeing foreigners outside their country or as the expat population burgeons so I suspect the stares you got where in direct relation to the locality / area you were moving in.

A similar corollary is a brown person in Eastern Europe especially Russia. Most of the attention is mere curiosity but some of it can have a menacing vibe. ‘Are you Arab?’

The cattle has religious significance in Hinduism, Jainism and Zoroastrianism of course and the Horse has utility value. The camel is a curious one, unless one was in Mumbai which is basically India condensed into 1 sq mile and the camels were brought from Rajasthan for street shows it isn’t very common. The elephants always have been fascinating.

No country apart from Sri Lanka has that kind of spiritual connection with the Elephants. Surprisingly not even Pakistan and Bangaladesh. You can even go snorkelling with an Asiatic elephant in the Nicobar islands.

That’s cool about elephants. I want to do that.

As for being white and being stared at, I’ve traveled enough that I know it’s about what neighboorhoods you are in and whether other white people show up there often and in what capacity. My point was simply that “In India, a white woman is barely noticed” didn’t ring true for me. Even as a white man, I was noticed, and I suspect a white woman would be even more noticed, at least by the men.

Maybe Indian men would be less likely to approach a white woman with a “hello” (then again, there are also roughly 10x as many of them), but to base the conclusion on two cherry-picked photos seems quite disingenuous.

Of course, the initial video is also not a representative sample… about half of the video is set in Harlem, because - evidently, men weren’t aggressive enough elsewhere to be heard and filmed… …yet this is apparently what all of “New York” is like…

Of course but I am not sure the issue you are debating is the point made in the photo. If anything the girl in the second photo looks Indian not White.

Good point. She looked white to me. But looking closer, she could be a lighter-skinned Indian woman, too.

Also, a big difference is alpha America culture where a man will assertively pursue a woman, even a stranger, versus beta Indian culture where they’d just check her out and perhaps try some subvertive way to take things further. I don’t think this reflects any greater respect among Indians for women (otherwise they wouldn’t be traded as property nor would 20% of men in India admit they force their partners to have sex with them), just wimpier men less willing to honestly pursue them openly. Sure the guys in the NYC video are losers, but is there anything wrong in pursuing a woman? I don’t see any of them force themselves on her, and most other than a few respect her ignoring them. They have poor, low class pick up skills but there is nothing subversive or dishonest about what they’re doing. They asked, she declined, everyone moves on. I agree its low class, but what do you expect walking in a low class neighbourhood… Wow, low class people.

Lost interest somewhere here not least because it is piss poor analysis that doesn’t seem to factor that Eastern and Arab cultures place more emphasis on machismo than Western. Soldiered on to reach this piece of garbage

Source? Or are you talking through your ass again like most of the shit you blather on about.

Christ, you really are a fool.

SNL did a sketch that assigned Pulp Fiction roles to various celebrities - all I remember is that (the actor playing) Dan Rather was the gimp.

(deleted duplicate)

Here is your source, as requested (I found this referred to in Wikipedia, but I found the source document for you): http://www.icrw.org/publications/international-men-and-gender-equality-survey-images I don’t make stuff up. I have evidence for my points, thanks. That said, I’m not the one that raised this argument. Posting some photo trying to claim that India is enlightened and the west is backward towards women is just plain stupidity. The overwhelming evidence is to the contrary. Some Indians pointing to this saying look how messed up you guys are is ridiculous. Also note I don’t defend the behaviour of these men. They’re losers and filth. But I think its important to notice that no physical harm came to this woman despite walking alone in some sketchy areas. These guys were overly aggressive for social norms, and viewed as a whole this could be negative, but individually none did anything criminal.

Given your complete garbage ranging from supposed income in emerging market to other things you’ll understand why I treat this with slight skepticism. To no great surprise I found you had twisted one of the conclusions of the survey to disingenously make your point.

There is a debate to be had here but it won’t be had with a passive aggressive Canadian who engages in navel gazing. My advice to you is worry about the issue at home including the prevalence of date rape culture which has become serious enough to warrant the president (shitty as he may be) venturing in.





Why are there a bunch of men arguing whether the East or West hates women more?

The point is that when women get harrased on the streets, most of the time, they are the ones asking for it by the way the carry themselves. Maybe the example in the video was extreme but the message got delivered regardless.