2017 Level 2 Retakers

Guys was band 10 last year as well. You guys probably just missed it by a hair…trust me it sucks…but now that I’ve passed I can tell you it feels so sweet.

My advice to you guys is to go through the EOCs and blue boxes write down the formulas they use and create a formula sheet either by writing it down in a notebook or on flash cards. Reference the page number and the section of where it is in case you don’t know how to use the equation.

Then just relax…take a break enjoy time with your family and friends. If you have time look through those flashcards/notebook you made.

When January comes again start diving into it again.

Preferably it would be nice if you have a lot of the formula memorized by then, but at the same time enjoy your life…prepare for the grind again in January…know that you have a chip on your shoulder now…because you guys were just a hair from passing. Know that with the extra time now to dive in again you guys will crush it next year in 2017.

Good luck to whatever choice you guys make!

Much appreciated inputs, thank you Jlion


I want to see a screenshot.

good way of looking at it. good luck amigo

good stuff Jlion and exactly my thoughts.

I was not aware that that material was removed for 2017, so fair enough, good point. Mind you pointing to specific topics like LIFO, FIFO and Five forces while linking them to a specific exam date, I believe would still constitute a violation, especially since you are revealing specific topics which could have been on the exam. If you were on the other hand talking in broad terms and referring to long-lived assets and qualitative portions of equity, then that might pass muster. Correct me if you still think that I am off base. I got >70 ethics twice (L1 and L2), and I feel that most of the time you are better off erring on the side of caution with these things.

Band 10 and it feels horrible:

>70: FRA, Equity, Derivatives, Portfolio

51-70: FI, Ethics, Econ, Alternative

<50 : Corporate and Quant.

I was thinking about re-tabulation but as per the forum members it’s not worth it, very difficult to swallow the failure after months of studying.

Give me my L2 retaker badge already AF.

Same story as all you guys above - however I’ll be reading the actual curriculum from august through November in the topics I was weak in, then switching to schweser in December.

I’ll share what worked for me, and let me preface it by saying I only used Schweser material, and did 2 full Schweser mocks (scoring below the pass range on both) and then obviously the CFAI mocks to gauge where the institute was at for the exam (where I scored a 65 and 62 in AM/PM respectively).

I began reading in early October and hit the biggest sections that I knew would be most critical to my success. I started with Equity, Accounting and Corp Fin, in that order. After reading each book, I went through and outlined in very condensed format, and made formula note cards. After I had read all 3 books I went back and did some light note card memorization, and did all CFAI EOC’s for these chapters. This took me till the beginning of January. Continued this process with the rest of the material till about the end of March, early April. Saved ethics for last, and read CFAI & Schweser. With about 2 weeks left in April I had read all the Schweser material and completed all the CFAI EOC’s, and also had 90% of my notecards made. If I stumbled on a section that was particularly challenging I would watch lecture videos on the topic via Youtube or Schweser videos.

The final push was a shitload of questions, revisiting all CFAI EOC’s, solving all CFAI item sets on the website, and most importantly, from about mid-April until exam day, I was notecarding formulas and core concepts for about an hour everyday (sometimes more). Memorizing everything can be very fleeting on your memory, so if you aren’t engaging it everyday, you will lose it. I took 2 test environment 120Q Schweser mocks as mentioned, and didn’t pass either (low 60’s). After that, I was still hammering questions from other mocks when I needed to drill a concept, but I didn’t have time in the final two weeks to go through any more test simulation mocks, I was still addressing the gaps in my knowledge.

The final two weeks was very challenging. I felt very far off from passing a mock, but I knew that I was retaining more than the mock exams were indicating. I was cycling as many questions in my weaker areas as possible, while making sure to continue hammering questions in my stronger areas so that it would all stick together on test day. I began condensing my notes, and making condensed sheets of the most important topics I knew would be tested.

Final 10 days I had off from work, so I studied around the clock. Continued to condense notes and do problems, as well as notecarding 2+ hours per day, sometimes 3-4 hours. I was still filling in gaps as I went, and reviewing CFAI EOCs, practice problems, and doing new practice problems in areas I needed work. I completed both CFAI mocks with about 4 days to-go and scored near the pass mark, which gave me confidence. The final days was pure revision of gaps, hammering deriv’s formulas and accounting differences, and making sure I was strong in basic areas for all chapters. I didnt meddle to much in the fine details and punted a couple small areas in certain sections, but nothing major.

I scored >70 in Equity, Fixed Income, Derivatives, Economics and 50-70 in the rest. The only area I received below 50 was Alternatives, which is surprising to me, because I felt very very solid in this section and I work in Alt’s. Either way, I think I was safely above the pass line.


Onward, this information (changes in the curriculum from one year to the next) is posted on the CFAI site, by the CFAI. Discussing those changes or what you think of those changes (e.g. too bad the material has been removed from the curriculum - for me it was easy points) is not an ethics violation.

I was not referring to the curriculum changes CindyLaurel, I think there was a bit of misunderstanding, you’d have to refer to my very first comment :slight_smile:

Wow. We got the exact same matrix, not even one difference, and same band.

I will be rewriting again, I got Band 10 this year. I’m not completely surprised, I’ve never been lucky.

Since FRA was one of your pain points, maybe you can find someone who has attended John Harris’ accounting workshop in the past and would be willing to share some of their materials with you. Or you could reach out to him through his website and see if he can work something out with you, assuming you don’t travel in the U.S. http://www.accountingworkshops.com/

A friend recommended it to me, and I found the workshop to be really great at clarifying and streamlining the CFAI material for FRA.

Sorry, I’m new to this board and forgot to quote DealClincher in my reply to his Band 10 results.

Since FRA was one of your pain points, maybe you can find someone who has attended John Harris’ accounting workshop in the past and would be willing to share some of their materials with you. Or you could reach out to him through his website and see if he can work something out with you, assuming you don’t travel in the U.S. http://www.accountingworkshops.com/

A friend recommended it to me, and I found the workshop to be really great at clarifying and streamlining the CFAI material for FRA.