205 today!

400 in one set? Most I ever got up to in one set is 120. If that’s one set, that’s crazy endurance.

^ Nah, not even close. I wish I could do 400 in one set. I do 10 sets of 40 push ups + 10 chin ups + 500 jumps.

Haaha i live in vancouver, you see these mountains in this picture, thats a 20 minute drive away and there are trails on those.


Everyone and their mom runs marathons where I live, I’ve done overnight hikes and runs up those mountains and some key takeaways are 1 its not that impressive 2 its for boring introverts.

I don’t know what I am going to do when I get too old to get hurt on purpose, boxing and muay thai are the only sports I have ever loved.

Yes, yes, I am very familiar with Vancouver. I take it all back. You must be the authority on running based on those overnight hikes of yours. Same basic thing obviously, carrying a heavy ass pack and trudging along. Anyhow, I boxed for three years, golden gloves. It was fun, but I would definitely definitely have to say running ultras was far more difficult than boxing ever was for me. I was way more intense and angry at that time I was boxing and trained 4-6 hours a day six days a week. In the end I got a deviated septum and heavily messed up during a match and figured it wasn’t worth staying with it if I wasn’t going to be some major contender so I got out early. Due to injuries most people either move up or move out over time. Comparatively, I’d say the grit required for an ultra is exponentially greater than that for boxing. The mental and physical battle in the tail end of a 50+ mile run is just insane. It’s Gatti-Ward II every damn time. Not one boring moment over the last ten miles. But you did an overnight hike, so you must know all that, don’t know why I’m preaching to the choir here.

Boxing was cool, make no mistake about it, some very cool, disciplined guys that do it too. There’s also some very immature meatheads that never grew up as well. At a certain age, if you’re not super competitive and you’re still doing it and telling everyone at the bar who will listen on Saturday night how you’re the toughest guy on your block and calling all other sports weak, you probably should just look into Extenz as an easier solution to your problem.

Not to mention Time in mountains > Time in gym, every time.

And you better not tell me you lived in Vancouver your whole life after these tales of ghetto and tragedy. I’ve spent enough time there to know the worst freaking ghetto in Vancouver is right up there with Charleston, SC.

I guess you’ve never been to east van or surrey. Eitherway hanging out in the woods with a bunch of emotionally unbalanced anorexics practicing self flagellation is retarded.

Lol, cry about it. You’re Vancouver Hood Yo.

Edit: Is this you?!


Just settle this in the squared circle. Three 3 minute rounds. No 3 knockdown rule. No headbutting. Body shots will count as points. I’ll ref.


I just clicked on that website. I actually feel a little better about myself now.

Only 400, I almost did double that when I was visiting my girlfriend. She lives in Canada; you wouldn’t know her.

Haha, you’re pathetic.

Im actually this guy, only white


For the Devil sends the beast with wrath, for he knows the time is short