3D printing of guns (and other illegal things)

How do you know this isn’t being done? Guess who the biggest owner of AK-47’s is?

What BS is really referring to though is training, many of these enemy combatants are just random dudes who are holding guns, and have no chance against any well trained soldier. Unless they’re themselves been trained by enemy SF, which I don’t believe has been common in A or I.

Yeah, but we need to do more.

Probably one of the Raiders offensive linemen.

That’s true, but I’m also saying if you locked the switch on semi-auto on all AK47’s. the quality of enemy combatants would instantly improve by about a notch. They’d still suck, just not as badly as they used to.

waste of ammo. semi-auto AR-15 can be just as fast with far more control.

Are you trying to say you can fire a semi-auto AR-15 at 700-950 rounds per minute?

How fast can you type?

Yes. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms was quite excited about it at the time, too.

Ok, I’m calling total BS and this is when I know you’re a poser. I’ve been shooting these things since I was about 8 and have shot alongside former special forces guys and have never seen anyone approach the speed of a full auto, regardless of how fast they could type… which is just stupid.

Ummmm, it was still perfectly legal to own pre-ban guns during the federal ban there bud. So not sure why the ATF would be excited about it… oh wait, I remember why now, it’s because you don’t know what you’re talking about.

I 'pose on a dvorak keyboard. not quite that fast, though.

How long did it take you to learn a dvorak keyboard?

UAF Police must not have known what they were talking about, either.

Actually, it seems like most guns, even semi-auto, are illegal for people convicted of assault and stenographers. I guess it just goes to show, even in the near present discrimination is still rampant.

Ok, lets play this out. Average person can type for 60-70 wpm in bursts (wikipedia) with the words to characters conversion rate at 5. So that comes out to a maximum of 350 characters per minute (again in bursts) using 10 fingurs across two hands. That is half the 700 rounds per minute (minimum) of a full auto M4 and roughly 1/3 of the 950 maximum.

I think this thread needs to be deleted.

Lol, a link to a random university police website? That’s the proof? Most likely it’s because you can’t have firearms on most university campuses bonehead. Also, yes, I am not suprised that the University of Alaska at Fairbanks police did not know what the f*ck they were talking about. LMAO.

I hate you.

full auto scares the shit out of people if you’re doing an armed robbery and have to let some shots off. I imagine that other then the intimadation factor it’s pretty useless.

Full auto is mostly useful for firing in short controlled bursts, not rambo-style firing 30 rounds at a time. Trained shooters can be accurate with burst fire. Still, there are times when it can used for supressive fire. Sometimes soldiers need to lay down the lead when ammo supply isnt an immediate concern.