6 pack abs in 4 months?

Thanks guys for chipping in. There is immense amount of information sharing on this thread. Have saved it in the document. I am probably like this now: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.t-nation.com/img/photos/2008/08-035-feature/image001.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.enhancedfp.com/training/bodybuilding/shredded-6-days-christian-thibaudeau-and-chris-shugart&usg=___T8UFrqubX-4tHchMRUr75k7fQE=&h=299&w=304&sz=16&hl=en&start=0&tbnid=y_6RIf46IECFpM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=123&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dno%2Babs%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1G1SNNT_ENUS358%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D550%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=509&vpy=94&dur=2394&hovh=223&hovw=226&tx=82&ty=246&ei=sbBTTPzBJIT78AbooJCKAw&page=1&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0 And targeting this stage in 4 months http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://entertainment.msn.co.nz/img/slideshow/whoseabs/abs_paul1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://entertainment.msn.co.nz/slideshow_ajax.aspx%3Fsectionid%3D8940%26sectionname%3Dslideshowajax%26subsectionid%3D146244%26subsectionname%3Dwhoseabs&usg=__SyJL-dftrn2cjeohuDBwgIzzrPU=&h=388&w=582&sz=30&hl=en&start=96&tbnid=HMlf8pePiahcHM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=153&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dabs%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1G1SNNT_ENUS358%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D550%26tbs%3Disch:10,1643&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=113&vpy=204&dur=197&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=137&ty=95&ei=cLFTTIetB4P-8Abvx-ifBA&page=5&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:96&biw=1280&bih=550 Don’t like those gayish nicely cut 6 pack abs - Just need a regular flat stomach with little visible 6 packs when I flex it hard enough. Thanks again for the info and the diet plans. Love you AF! Starting from 1st Aug and have time till 10th Dec. Also am running the Philly 1/2 on 21st Nov; so the training should take the fat out of my body by Nov.

Body fat % Probably has more to do with genetics & age --> total body weight and level of regular cardio than whether or not the 1500 calories are from fat or carbs. As people age, their bodies store more and more calories as fat rather than muscle.

So what do you do about beer? I drink quite a few beers over the weekend? And I maybe have a couple one night during the week. Do I need to cut then out completely to lose my belly? Or can I drink a “lite” beer? Or should I move onto rum and diet coke, or something like that?

I failed L3 and not planning to take it again. Lost one month to that. I still have 3 months and starting today. Diet and workout here I come… Getting the 3 months gym membership too after work!

I was doing the Ab Ripper 200 routine and have seen some results with it…diet is key though, started upping my protein and downing my fats, leaving carbs about the same. I’d say I’m at 40/40/20

you should eat the parts of at least 1 prostie per week. Great source of protein.

Don’t overextend yourself - or you will end up with injuries like me

comp_sci_kid Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Don’t overextend yourself - or you will end up > with injuries like me how’s the quadtendon?

charlottekid Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > you should eat the parts of at least 1 prostie per > week. Great source of protein. Also a great diuretic!

mar350 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > comp_sci_kid Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Don’t overextend yourself - or you will end up > > with injuries like me > > > how’s the quadtendon? not good, i thought it healed but yesterday leg press caused much pain, so i will take probably 1 month off from leg workouts. also +1 for making a joke about quadtendon and -10 for not knowing what quad tendon is

Lean meats, lots of veggies and little carbs. The carbs you do take in should be anything with wheat or multi-grain. Try to get as natural as possible by avoiding processed foods. Def. stick to fresh veggies, fruits, etc… (not the frozen crap) Do some a lot of high cardio and core workouts. When I say high cardio, don’t do 30min on the elliptical and think that will cut it. You really need to get a good sweat going and should be nearly exhausted. Though as nups said its def. more important what you eat.

O ya forgot to mention. Drink LOTS of water. This will help curb your appetite and help your body digest food faster.

Updates: Just got the 3 month gym/swim memberhsip. Had a 40 minute run (around 4 miles) and then went for 1 hour of swim (followed by steam and sauna). I was so damm dehydrated that I had to run to Target opposite my place at 10.55 (closes 11) to get a 12 packer orange getorade. Good advice cfablackbelt. Since I don’t cook at home I fall back on having a lot of frozen food at nights - need to cut on that. Also have 5+ time of tea/coffee - which I need to reduce to 2 times a day (at 9AM and at 4PM). Can’t really commit on the coffee reduction - CFA did that to me! Need to start the Ab Ripper X soon - 16mins of fun to the abs!

LaGrandeFinale Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Updates: > > Just got the 3 month gym/swim memberhsip. Had a 40 > minute run (around 4 miles) and then went for 1 > hour of swim (followed by steam and sauna). I was > so damm dehydrated that I had to run to Target > opposite my place at 10.55 (closes 11) to get a 12 > packer orange getorade. > > Good advice cfablackbelt. Since I don’t cook at > home I fall back on having a lot of frozen food at > nights - need to cut on that. Also have 5+ time of > tea/coffee - which I need to reduce to 2 times a > day (at 9AM and at 4PM). Can’t really commit on > the coffee reduction - CFA did that to me! > > Need to start the Ab Ripper X soon - 16mins of fun > to the abs! Good stuff. I hear ya on the coffee reduction, though I managed to switch to green tea instead.

CFABLACKBELT Wrote: > Good stuff. I hear ya on the coffee reduction, > though I managed to switch to green tea instead. So far I’ve manged to switch from venti to grande. My next goal is to swap coffee for tea. With L2 studying starting up fairly soon I don’t know if that will be possible. m

Why is coffee bad? I’ve read that 5 cups a day is a good way to prevent the onset of alzheimers…

ASSet_MANagement Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why is coffee bad? I’ve read that 5 cups a day is > a good way to prevent the onset of alzheimers… I would assume from the sugar, and that it’s a diuretic. m