AF and Game of Thrones

Glad you picked up the reference. (For the record, my mum comes from The Land Down Under.)


^Not just castration. They took the “stem and roots.”

You are indeed still hilarious sir hollard… fools always have some need to say the last word

No Robb was way too level headed. CvM = the mountain

Wait, so if I don’t reply then you’re the fool. But I just replied…damn it!

Seriously, I said I was done trolling you yesterday, but if you really want to go down this path, I’m game. It’s just…You’re too easy a target. You have the anger of BS and the insecurity of boy going through puberty. I promise you it would be better for us both to go back to nicely not talking to each other.

isn’t that the guy who sacrificed his daughter? nah bro.

ugh house of cards kevin spacey wut are you kidding me

No, that was Stannis.

Roose is the guy who took over Winterfell after the Red Wedding.


Is that what you intend to do? Shoot your boardmember on the privy??

I knew I should have avoided this thread. I’m only a couple of episodes into Season 5, so I did not need to know that. No one but myself to blame though.

^One of the best lines in the books (no spoilers) is when Roose admonishes Ramsey when Ramsey says he wants to make a pair of gloves (or maybe boots, can’t recall) out of someone’s (I think JS) skin. Roose isn’t pissed becuase it’s totally gnarly. He’s upset that Ramsey doesn’t know human skin makes poor leather, doesn’t keep you warm, and quickly wears out.

indeed… stubborn athletic woman who is annoyed by inept young men.

FWIW, that doesn’t happen in the books. Not Stannis’ style.

I’m way behind in the books. Robert has just decided to go hunting.

Agree. Itera…I am your father. you bastard.

puberty jokes. very clever. are you done with the insults now?

yes, i’ll ignore you and you ignore me. it’s a deal

Spoiler: Hot Pie is the prince who was promised.

If CVM was Ramsey then RR is definitely Reek…

I need to start watching that show again