AF Rewards Gone?

Back to the original topic, there is so little communication between Chad (and by extension his lieutenants) and the rest of us when it comes to these things.

Well, I hadn’t noticed the AF rewards gone until this thread. It’s a topic that we can discuss at the next board meeting. Presumably Schwesser had decided to stop providing free junk and so it wasn’t offered. Or maybe there weren’t enough requests, or maybe it got expensive. I don’t know.

I do know that Chad asked me to watch the randomization of the winner of the recent survey, so that at least someone can confirm that these things were given away in a lottery-like manner, and not to some personal favorite. Generally, we can’t post the names of the winners because those are real names and/or emails. I’m not sure if we have the corresponding usernames or not. Chad would know.

I did not fill out the survey, so there is no danger that I will supervise receiving it myself.

I hadn’t thought about this but…can you see our email addresses? If you could then you’d know where we work. (At least way back when, when you had to use a non-anonymous email address to register. Is that still a rule or do people sign up using gmail now?)

If Itera could find us that means he could actually use this hacksaw he keeps on about…

thanks for the stuff chad, got it earlier this week

I’m not able to see your email addresses unless you send them to me by PM. Chad probably can see your email addresses if he wants to.

I will temporarily be able to see a sub-portion email addresses (or maybe just names) of those who entered the survey when we select a winner, however, it will be via screen sharing and likely very small. If I really wanted to, I suppose I could do a screen capture and investigate the little squiggles on the screen to find out people’s emails, but - quite honestly - I’ve got lots of better things to do with my time and with people I care much more about.

I don’t know if the other board members will participate. This is the first drawing since the new board members came on board. All we really felt was that at least two people watched the selection process to make sure we agreed on a randomized process and winner.

AF’s collective heart = broken

He is clearly referring to me, ohai.

Note that I didn’t say that I don’t care at all.

I just said I don’t care enough to try to track people down and find out where they live and work if they aren’t willing to tell me.

water bottle and dopp kitt were great

I have a few reward items left so send me a note if you are looking to claim the last of the rewards.

Don’t know about the dopp kit, but the I agree about the water bottle

Don’t even need to be that sketchy about it. Just fly to Mexico City or Canada and transit through there. I’ve heard if you slip a 20 in your passport when you land in Cuba they won’t stamp it. And obviously US debit and credit cards are blocked.

Cuba’s a great place to visit, so unlike any other place I’ve been.

Save me a dopp kit if there’s any left. And I’ll take a water bottle. Good for handing to CFA candidates during their lunch break in December…

^ I don’t think procters are allowed to give gifts to candidates.

^ I was given a water bottle on my way out from taking L1 back a few years ago with the local society logo on the side. I think it’s sitting in a bottom drawer in my desk.