Anti-gay pastor #9879373 outed as gay

For the record, Gawker didn’t out him, just reported it after Queerty did. You can get that from the first sentence of the linked story.

It’s a reflex on my part. Gawker and buzzfeed unabashedly plagarize articles. The reason so many of their articles get lots of views is because it was a top post on Reddit 4 hours ago. I guarantee this story was posted from another source to Reddit first, then Gawker reposted it after it generated enough upvotes.

They don’t even stop there. They even lift the top comments (without giving credit, obviously) and include them in their version of the article to appear way more witty than they are.

Gawker and Buzzfeed are the no-talent hacks of the Internet.

Don’t think of the two scales as a balancing formula; they are somewhat independent. I’m probably M:F = 10%/75% or something like that. Someone else might be 10%/95%. Both of us are unlikely to have sex with a guy, but the other guy is more testosteroned and girl-sexual than me. I like women, but I’m not driven to chasing tail all the time like some other people are.

Also consider that a “bisexual” person might be 30%/30%, or they could be 90%/90%. Both like both sexes, but one is more sexual. A “gay” person could be 95%/50%, and still be more likely to have heterosexual sex than a straight person of 5%/45%.


I thought I was done with quant after Level 2

That’s true for females. Not so much for males.

Aha, but 95% or 45% of what? You might say “when 0/100% represents the macho man who only likes girls” and “100%/0 represents the girliest girl who only likes men” - but you would be wrong, because what if the 0/100% man likes tomboy girls who are themselves 80%/80% and thus have threesomes at the drop of a hat; but can’t stand 0/100% girls? You see what you have unleashed?

More so than you I’d imagine.

More so than you I’d imagine.

I can’t say I agree. IMO since it’s more socially acceptable for women to openly experiment with same gender, it gets higher visibility. Men do it quietly and it goes more unnoticed which creates illusion it doesn’t happen.

I like to smoke cock…on my Big Green Egg.

i have exactly zero desire to have any kind of sex with another dude. I might be willing, if there was a lot of alcohol involved and he paid me enough money. But it would have to be a lot of alcohol and a lot of money.