Anyone burnt out?

Don’t you think you’ll miss studying a little bit?

It’s probably a good thing to feel somewhat burnt-out, shows that you’ve been preparing for a while. There’s no better feeling then walking out of the testing center after the exam.

I’m having a great time. I could study for another 3 months. I’ve clocked in 514 hours and 32 minutes

Yes I have a spreadsheet I made that I punch in and out of studies.

How is your approach like towards study ?Somehow unlike past two levels i am not very organized this time. How have you guys organized this last week ??

I want to drink in the daytime again…

The worst part is I don’t feel confident I’ll pass at all which exacerbates the burnt out

At least I am ranking up a lot of Starbuck stars. For some reason my starbucks card gave me double points for the month of May.

Practical making a profit (or not).

Thank you so much for the motivating points that you have summarised here daharmattan !

I am realizing lately that notes are not helping much to me instead Qbanks to solidify those small little concepts are ! But they are taking so long.It’s getting so difficult to prioritize at this moment what to do and what not to …

Hats off to darmattan for taking the time to post such useful information, very much appreciated Sir! With the exception of ‘AlmostDoneIII’, it is normal that the rest of us mere mortals are now feeling mentally exhausted - more so because this is the last hurdle and we’ve devoted so much time and effort up to this point, we all want this to be our last CFA exam, especially those of us with tough jobs and young families! For some people revision (reading notes/watching videos) will work better at this stage, for others it’s doing questions. The important thing is not to overdo it, you want to turn up to the exam feeling fresh and ready to knock yet another gruelling 6hr exam out the park, you’re not gonna be able to do that if you’re burnt out. So if you’re feeling drained at this point, I suggest taking it easy for a day or so, go for a long walk in a park, eat some nice (healthy) food, spend some time with your kids (which you’ve had to sacrifice a lot of to study), just recharge the batteries. Good luck all

I’m quite burnt out at this point, especially because I have a deal at work with binding bids due 7th June - FML. Thank god (or rather thank myself?) I started early and feel good on most topics by now, because the next 10 days I can’t do that much more.


Extremely burnt out at this point. Productivity has definitely gone down - my mind keeps wandering to different places, and the degree of focus is affected, sure signs of fatigue. Thinking of taking a day off…

absolutely. I just want to forget what GIPS means.


Pedal to the floor for 10 days. If you can do that, you may never have to do it again for decades.

Good luck fellas. The light at the end of the tunnel is glorious. Not having to study for these tests makes you appreciate everything more.

I really believe there is a greater benefit to taking a day off if you’re feeling burnt out. At least for me personally. Pedal to the metal is great and all but I don’t really get anything out of forcing myself to study if my brain is mush. I’d rather reset and go back at it with a clear head the next day.

Last year before L2 I was stressed out of my mind because I had to go to a wedding out of town the weekend before the exam, but it wound up benefiting me in the end I’m pretty sure. I got to unplug for a day, get some rest (and perspective… cause literally this is just an exam) and then went back at it for the final week.