Beard maintenance. Recommendations?

I see what you mean… total bum

Do you have a crush or something?

Looks like a bum with a jet.


…kinda douchebaggy pseudo-bum. :wink:

Lol… no, don’t have a crush. Just sticking up for the bearded brotherhood. Besides, I thought this forum would idolize him. After all, he’s essentially the definition of BSD, living the life of ‘models and bottles’.

Dan Blizerian spends too much money on stuff with just a poker income. He is going to crash and burn by 50.

I wonder how much cash his dad has left to back him up when that happens.

Well, I can’t speak for the rest of the forum…but I don’t idolize some douchey teabagger with a plane.

I’ll expand my permitted beard list to known socialists and chess grandmasters. Along with the aforementioned PhDs. If you’re not one of those three or homeless, shave your face.

^Or if you are part of the Duck Dynasty

^ Those are bums. Rich bums. But still bums.

^I’m an avid duck hunter, and have been for 16+ years. The duck dynasty folks are a bunch of bums. Sellouts amongst the rest of the duck hunting world…

Just spent 9 days in eastern Alberta hunting ducks/geese. (don’t you live in AB, geo?). Anyway, had a great trip… a LONG drive (29.5 hours to be exact), but a great trip nonetheless. Gorgeous country in the fall time, by the way.

My beard is going nowhere anytime soon. I’ll gladly take geo’s label of being a bum as a tradeoff for having to shave my face every day. This is accepted in the midwest.

I just use a trimmer. Whenever I decide to grow it out, I’ll keep my cheeks trimmed short and only touch the chin to keep it from getting too shaggy.

Some people use oil, but I prefer low maintenance.

Thanks all. For now, trimmer and conditioner it is.

No geo, it’s not a Bernanke beard, just around the mouth (moustache joined to beard.) I alternate between Van Dyke and Balbo - see, linked from

Palantir, I’ll keep in mind to avoid looking like Osama. A likely possibility with my looks (except for the fanatic eyes and the characteristically Arabic twist/smirk of the mouth.)

Also, not inclined to plunk down $11 for some non-name dodgy beard softener in the local pharmacy, so plain old conditioner. Like a true man I use a 2-in-1 (shampoo and conditioner.)

Actually you raise a valid further exception, the avid outdoorsman. To qualify for this exception, you must routinely kill what you eat. This is a legit exception as the outdoorsman cannot be shaving daily in the wild (this is the one time I’ll have a beard, extended camping trips). So now we are at outdoorsman, socialist, PhD, grandmaster chess player and bum. And yes, the duck hunting here is good. Alberta is the most beautiful place on Earth (though more so in the west part). You should have let me know and I’d have come out with you, haven’t stretched the ol’ 12 gauYouthis year. Though I would have been sans beard.

lol… we were hunting between wainwright and vermillion. the foothills there were cool to drive through.

Growing a beard is the new alpha trend. It has replaced getting a tattoo.

Nice. :wink:

Yeah I knew a venture capitalist, PhD, chess-type strategist, with a goatee. It is appropriate for a choice few I suppose.

The foothills are some of the best mule deer hunting lands in North America, if you’re into the big game thing. And you can always kick back and enjoy the mountain panorama.