Can anyone else here not stand itera?

Itera’s points of view are appropriate to this forum. It’s a pessimistic view of the world that serves to elevate his view of his own success, and it probably is important for new/forum members to know those perspectives, as they - by and large - have some factual basis to support them. Having factual basis is not the same as being right, which is something we will only really be able to evaluate in the future.

But I agree that he seems to take particular delight in delivering unpleasant news to the uninitiated, and the constant flavor of “The industry is shrinking and jobs are disappearing, and unless you have a stellar background, you’re unlikely ever to be as successful as I am,” is just off-putting, and I think the OP just had enough and wanted to know if anyone else felt that way.

However, there are a lot of people like that in finance, so it’s good that people learn to deal with it here.

Wow. People are really so competitive that we are now down to comparing “which of two proverbs” is the better one (and without even a context for applicability)?

Surely there must be a proverb for misplaced competitiveness.

I still don’t know what UTSA is, but I respect that you shamelessly plug your school in your button down short sleeve dress shirts.

“When two people fight on the internet, they both end up looking like retards”?

^^ University of Texas - San Antonio, a vastly superior institution when compared to the pig-humpers at A&M.

But is UTSA better than UNT?

I’ve heard a UNT grad describe it as “University of No Talent.” Not sure if he was serious, joking, or just outright awesome.

When I 1st started visiting AF I thought Itera was a complete twat, not so much the message or delivery but the sheer persistance of it, 1st response to every single last fucking post with the same message based on his experience on the sell side in new york presumably and why would anyone that works on the sell side even bother with the CFA anyway?

I think he’s toned it down a bit thought and does provide some interesting insight. if you don’t agree, just ignore it. There are much much bigger douchebags on AF than Itera

to be fair, the 1st one works but the 2nd one is a bit shit

Clearly you have not felt the long term effects of pointless grudges. Coals burn almost instantly. Poison often takes its own sweet time…

This is what people say about me all the time. I’ll take it.

But but but, coal CAN eventually hurt others, you drinking poison can’t. Geez bchad, how can you not recognize the clearly superior proverb? Holding burning coal is an alligator investment but drinking poison is just destroying value.

Back to OP, I have yet to read itera utter any positive words but maybe he does when on one’s looking. However, it’s not upto us to “reform” him - he has his personality. So I agree with the OP’s OP but not the later posts about how itera could/should change his tone.

Or you may be projecting into what you are reading. I’ve re-read what I posted a few times and still don’t see it. Clearly drinking poison would be more BSD than chunking a rock at someone. . . preferably with the intent to spit it back out at them.

Both don’t hold a candle to Bellarmine University, which offers one of the best, if not the best education in Kentucky.

Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head.

Most people have plenty of unused space there, so is that really a big deal?

My only objection to itera is that most of his posts seem to have no purpose beyond inflating his “AF Point Leaders” ranking. Bchad has posted 12,367 times, 90% of which are long thoughful essays that take the discussion in a productive direction. Itera has posted 6,935 times, 80% of which consist of a single sentence-fragment that doesn’t really add anything to the discussion.

You cannot possibly know how hilarious that comment is.

To me, at least.

yall bafoons made itera upset talking so much shit about him. i hope he comes back and posts.

he is good for the game

Where can you see points leaders?

I’m sure he has his hoodie and big headphones on, with a pen and a pad spitting down some mad lines right now. #noMom’sSpaghetti