CFA Program and Testosterone levels

I think there is a lot of variance in testosterone levels, that is why the range is so wide. Those look like good levels. Keep trying to get more sleep, less alcohol, more exercise, less stress, good diet and things should continue to improve. A good rule of thumb is that if you are waking up with morning wood, you are in good shape. Unfortunately the CFA program does not facilitate any of those. Same thing happened to me when I was studying for level II. Now that I am done, I have improved a lot.

On another note, I have joined the “no fapping” movement and I gotta say, that my drive is much stronger now.

The opposite happened to me. When I don’t fap, my drive plummets to scary levels.

Bumping this up… after taking Level 3, I decided that I am going to treat myself.

I am going to run some Anadrol orals, 1500mg of Test-E, 400mg of Equipoise, and Winny tabs at the end of cycle. Gotta get back to beast mode…

I don’t know what’s better…this cycle’s design or your nickname.

Thank you…it was also the name of my father and his father before him.

Why does chronic stress lower T levels? I’m a big fan of looking towards evolutionary psychology to explain things, but I haven’t run across anything. How is spreading your seed detrimental while you are chronically stressed?

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