
The only people who worry about dilution of the charter are those who rely on it too much vs. being a stellar analyst.

Not a fan of Claritas, but even less of a fan of putting in an extra level 2 exam.

I would much rather see the institute put these resources towards offering the exams in a few other major world languages, which would go further to making the CFA Charter truly global (not just global to the degree that people are reasonably fluent in English). This would actully do something to improve the profession. Offering extra level 2 attempts would not IMO.

The typical charterholder seems to write between 3 to 5 exams to get there… With four years of work experience requred, the current frequency of exam offerings is just fine.

^ good suggestion, although I don’t seem them as mutually exclusive ideas. I think the biggest obstacle to offering the exams in other languages, at least L3, is fielding a pool of graders.

The trick is that they wrote this in the CFA way - 75% of the respondents said that people could benefit from that “KIND OF UNDERSTANDING”.

So they mail you a survey asking if there are people at your organization that could benefit from very basic finance - you remember a couple of coworkers who have no idea what happens to the price of a bond when rates go up and say yes . Done! CFAI just got their statement.

Is this statement clear enough to pass the code and standards of ethics? CFAI seems to think so.

It’s natural for candidates to want the exams to be easier, and CFA charterholders to want to exams to be harder.

I’m not for L2 being given twice a year.