Commanding a room / person

To the guys in this thread who think they are alpha tough guys, could you please post your job title and the amount of total cash comp you have made the last three years?

I cannot believe I am agreeing with bromion.

Do this while eating a banana and report back.

This is solid advice, i appreciate the post.

Bro, I have met some pretty rich folk, but *people* who make a billion a year? I mean, that’s kind of silly to say since at that level it’s just so volatile.

There hasnt been a single reference of an alpha tough guy or money made on this post. I created this post to share personal exp and seek advice from others who may have exp with such. Although I enjoy the science beyond no fap along with the numerous hacksaw related posts, sometimes you need to leverage the fact that you are surrounded by some influential people and learn from them.

Cash comp not make one great.

I agree with everything you said, but I want to talk about this part. How many people do you know who make $1 Billion dollars per year? (Because that’s ten figures.)

I understand somebody making nine or ten figures when they sell their business, but to make nine or ten figures per year, they must be special indeed.

EDIT - BWYF got to it while I was typing.

See, this is why I always carry handcuffs up my sleeve. Somebody pulls this sh!t on me and while they’re preoccupied looking into my eyes they all of a sudden hear a click. They look down and find that we’re handcuffed together. They think I’ve out creeped them, but I’m not done yet. That’s when I swallow the key.

Between this, and the title of the thread being “COMMANDING a room”, it sounds pretty alpha-ish to me.

Not polite to maintain eye contact with someone who is your senior in most Asian countries.

Being the Twinkie I am and thinking it was the polite thing to do, I maintained eye contact with one of my grandmother’s friends while I spoke to her. Later found out that she thought I was a rude little punk. She told my grandmother to teach me some manners.

And then observe their reaction.

There are several people on the Forbes 400 that make a billion dollars a year. This is not meant to be a brag post, just something for perspective that I personally found interesting as I have met a few of these people. I don’t know any of them well.

I met Gates, he is very down to earth, actually a bit awkward and unalpha. I’m sure he’s a beast when he’s talking about technology, but he doesn’t walk into a room like he has a 12" cock and start brow beating people with it. He seems very inwardly focused and shy.

Buffett, same thing except jolly and not so shy.

Einhorn, same thing (he doesn’t make a billion a year yet tho)

The only two I know of in finance who do that are maybe Ackman (not a billion a year either) and Icahn. I’ve heard Loeb is pretty reasonable in person (alos not a billion a year). A lot of people who reach this level are “unusual” and kind of socially awkward, not the alpha dogs you would expect.

Don’t forget that bromion is a nipponophile.

I worked for a guy who made 9 figures 3 out of the 5 years I worked for him, and he is very plugged into the industry. He introduced me to several people on the Forbes 400.

^Doubtful. Warren Buffett makes about $10m per year.

Sure, he gets some stock appreciation in his holdings every year, but those are unrealized capital gains. Maybe our definitions of “making money” differ.

Maybe there are notional derivative values in there too.

I’m going to the gym in about ten minutes. If a stranger asks me to support them while they do squats, I’m going to crouch down, and just stay in crouched position for 10 minutes. And will observe their reaction.

If he amended statement to Net Worth would it make everyone feel better? Either way it’s impressive to have had a sit down conversation with the people he is speaking about.

You’re being an accountant. Buffett makes billions a year whether he realizes the gains or not. Not many people on the Forbes list make that much but plenty of people have made over a bililon in one year and that doesn’t change the spirit of what I posted. Whether they make one billion once in one year or every year, the point is most of them don’t try to awkwardly stroke your hand for 10 seconds while giving you the come hither look during first introductions (or whatever alpha moves someone was talking about).

Anyway, is there really that much difference between $100mm and $1,000mm in one year to make you feel like a badass? Not really. You’re still a master of the universe either way.

If it makes you feel better, you can ammend my statement to “Have at one point in their lives made one billion, and some of them made that much in one year.”

I think Blake and some others are implying that if we make things as awkward as possible and whip out our c0cks we think we’re alpha… its more about the right level of eye contact and comanding respect. Also, something that nobody else in here has mentioned is your body language, which I think means a tremndous amount… Im really refering more to interaction with the opposite sex than in business.