
I like laughing at these people while I drive to the golf course to shoot 125 with $3000 worth of clubs in my bag.

Golf is ridiculously hard to get good at. And by good I mean hitting well consistently enough to have a low handicap.

Luckily, I promised myself I’d never get into the crazy club buying when I started, so I still shoot poorly but at least it doesn’t hurt as bad as Twicetheman’s game.

My boss does CF and is in great shape, but doesn’t go around trying to convert people, or brag about his latest workouts (he’s in the minority). Like someone above posted, if you master the proper technique and don’t push yourself too far, then this might not be a terrible program. That being said, the majority of people I know that do CF are not like this. They lift entirely too much weight using poor form, and far too many reps. When they aren’t “pushing themselves to the limit” they alienate their friends and family members who “don’t get it” in favor of their new CF family. If nothing else, they tend to be massive douchebags. Some anecdotal proof…I live in Columbus, where the above study took place, and there is a bar that offers free pizza on Mondays, which is done to bring people in to spend money on drinks. Shortly after we had gotten there, a group of CFers grabbed the table next to ours. How did I know they were CFers? They showed up after their workout covered in sweat in branded CF outfits, talking about how brutal that last cycle was. They then proceeded to order waters (which are free) and wait for the bar to put out more pizza (they bring these out two at time). When it came, all of them rushed up and literally grabbed 75% before any other patrons could get any. This continued on for the entire three hours they were there until they left, never once ordering a beer (trying to be healthy no doubt). Best part, they didn’t even leave a tip. Oh, and they were also making jokes about the unofficial CF mascot. If you want to get in shape, there are better ways, both for your body, and for your soul.

Crossfit correctly shows you how to have incorrect form.

If you want to look like you are doing pull ups and dips but dont actually want to make gains, crossfit will fill the desire

so true. I also prefer this version:

How do you know if one of your friends is doing crossfit?

They never stop talking about it!

the whole idea behind crossfit is developing functional work capacity - being able to do stuff as efficiently as possible. muscle isolation is unnatural. if you were hanging from a cliff and had to pull yourself up, being able to do it in strict form isn’t helpful and uses too much energy compared to the alternative.

if you care about developing athleticism do crossfit or some other high intensity interval training. if you only care about looking good in the mirror, do body building.

If a vegan crossfit trainer who recently ran a marathonis at a party which do they brag about first?

As evidenced by this thread, far more people who don’t do crossfit like to talk about not doing crossfit than people that do crossfit talking about crossfit.

It’s also true with vegetarians. Somehow it became a reddit meme whereby vegetarians constantly talk about being vegetarians. False. People who have been vegetarians for a long time never talk about it unless asked. People who are new to being vegetarian probably talk about it because it’s a big life change. Kind of like how when somebody first has a kid they talk about the kid all the time, but by the time the kid is 10 they barely discuss him/her unless asked.

If I ever become a vegetarian, I would have to be very quiet about it, as my mother would nag me back to meat otherwise:)

On a serious note, can someone please explain the difference between the strict and not strict form in crossfit? And the whole idea about being efficient but using a non-strict form (did I understand it correctly?). I think it could be useful in aerial as well.

I have to agree BWYF, but it’s still fun to say :stuck_out_tongue: I think it’s just easy to poke fun at fads. I think all these special races are stupid too (Tough Mudder, Zombie Run, Color Run, Urban Obstacle Course). The only cool race I heard of is my friend’s girlfriend did a doggy 5k so everyone ran with their dogs :smiley:

Totally, lxwarr. I make fun of it constantly while training, always talking about how today “the workout is an 11 on the elite-ometer” and telling everyone how I PR’d my 7 rep max Turkish get up.

Or an underwear run:)

I agree though those runs are silly… and dangerous. I’ve met so many people injured in obstacles/mud runs…

You’re right, look at the textbook form on this compound exercise:

You post a bad one, I’ll post a good one:

We can do this all day.

They can be a lot of fun though, which is the important part. I have not done one of those races, but I have raced cyclocross which is viewed in a similar light by many cyclists. Dangerous and dumb. But so much fun.

Point is, bad form when weight lifting in individual capacity is understandable as one does not know better.

When the CF employees endorse it only to complete a lift…there is a problem

I agree that video is bad, but you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. None of the people in that video are CF employees. They work at a gym. That’s it. It’s an affiliate model. Also, what they are (albeit poorly) attempting is a strongman lift using an axle bar, not simply bad form. Here is a video showing that type of clean where they move it to the belly (“strongman shelf”):

every crossfit guy looks the same, under 5"8, stocky, with a barbwire tattoo. Were generally in the millitary.

This is exactly what I’ve heard from the injured person I’ve met most recently. You’d think, a mother of two in her early forties should be over the dumb fun phase. Yet when I expressed the concern of the danger of those types of races, she goes:“But I was having soooo much fuuuun!!! Right until I broke my ankle LOL” What gives?