Dating and networking

Man, numi is putting in work

not doubting you but there’s always two sides to a story. people are falliable and human.

If you’re attractive you can subtly use your wiles to score sweet gigs. I’ve seen quite a few girls do this. I don’t suggest it though if your community is small.

I get so confused sometimes whether numi is a guy or girl.

Not calling you out or anything but in general dating a childhood friend of your ex seems bad form. Unless she cheated, then even her mom becomes fair game.

Ha, definitely a guy. I typed the message on my smartphone and not sure what was meant by that when i typed it.

Definitely work on yourself! Do what makes you happy and feel out to see where you may want to work. On the journey you never know what kind of people you will meet/friends you will make. I would say always start off really professional. If you click with someone, there’s no harm in seeing where it will go. Just be careful on “leveraging intense chemistry for a position” - I think as women, we need to be extra aware because it’s so easy to cross that line and become “that girl”. Ugh.

Jesus H. Christ. When did AF turn into Dr. Drew’s Loveline?!?

Maybe people were incredibly bored at work the day before the holiday?

I guess it is the “If I were a guy …” part that made him/her confused.

You typed the message on your smartphone ? Respect ! Long message with no typo.

The dude made you a favour. I’ve heard of many that do that after they make the woman pregnant. 60 years from now when you look back at your life in your death bed, this incident will be a blip in your life.