Doorman tips (again)

We tip the garbage men, kids’ teachers, mailman, and the bidet serviceman.

Must be too dangerous not to…

As it’s somewhat related to trapeze type stuff, this reminded me of you.

It’s not just somewhat related - it IS trapeze stuff :slight_smile:

Funny it made it all the way to reddit. It popped up on my FB feed (through a friend of a friend of a friend) a few months back. Would LOVE to experience it. But so far I’ve only gotten clammed - that’s when you fall onto a thin mat placed on top of the net and it folds over you like a clam. Not the best feeling on your face.

Clamming is something altogether different where I’m from.

Pretty sure I don’t want to know…

Here it means you grab your waders and a shovel and head over to the bay to start digging.

Digging what? A grave for yourself?

Uh, for clams.

That does make more sense

Higgs acts like that was obvious, but in Philadelphia digging a grave for oneself is also fairly common.

True, but we were talking about clamming.

“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”

Lots of revenge going on in the Philly area.