Equal Pay is Not Enough

It just dawned on me that income by race is inversely proportional to average penis size.

Go figure.

I imagine that doesn’t extend to ethnicity. Never met a rich Irish guy.

Well. most rich guys are White and DJT and his boys seem to have unhealthy cuckold fantasies. Couple this with their restraint in insulting Blacks relative to everyone else and I think STL is on to something.

you got it OP


Why does the draft have to involve combat? Can’t they draft women to do logistical duties, or any number of the other things that military people do? I’m sure the army could use more labor for random stuff. Just treat them like a physically weak male person who would have to register for the draft.

^Most times you’re drafted you are doing non-combat, support roles. There’s something like a 3.5-to-1 ratio of support to combat troops in the US forces, though this number has historically fluctuated in the 20th century depending on the scale of engagements. It’s unlikely it’s ever been majority combat troops though. So, the the odds are usually in your favour. If you’re about to get drafted, write your congressman daddy. Otherwise join the airforce or coast guard.

^ Although you are twice as likely to die, I’d choose the Navy over the Air force because the uniforms are way cooler.

As far as uniforms go, I think the Marines have the coolest looking uniforms. You like the Navy crackerjack enlisted uniform?

Agree that Marines have the best uniforms, but they are also the most likely to get killed (10x more likely than Navy). Enlisted uniforms are not relevant for me :slight_smile:

The Marine recruitment officer told me they’re 20x more badass though. I think that’s what he said anyway. I was distracted as he was having me sign a petition or something.

^ Being a dead badass is overrated.

Based on the movie Starship Troopers, I’d say Air Force is much safer than the Marines, but nowhere nearly as desirable as being in the psychic command.

^ The only good grub, is a dead grub. Service guarantees citizenship. I’m doing my part. Mobile infantry all the way. Hoooyah.