Ethics - Jokes about CFA Charter

Agreed. It depends on the situation as well.

I guess my original question isn’t so much “is it against the CFA code of ethics?” but rather “will people take it the wrong way and is it in bad taste?” I will leave it out of my speech and find humour elsewhere.

Ya you need to spin the joke another way like say…

“I get really down in the dumps when I lose a bunch of money in the stock market… but then I realize it’s just my client’s money so WHO GIVES A SHIT!”

Seems like you don’t want to offend your employer and cowrokers who are in finance, but offending CFAI is OK as long as it’s not an Ethics violation.

In that case, let loose on the CFAI rules, how they make money off of candidates and charterholders, the deteriorating quality of printed text books, arbitrariness of procters when catching perps, what have you. Spank them politely but firmly.

How about:

Did you see Page C2 of the WSJ last week? Apparently the C-suite at the CFA Institute includes an actual bed!


Our CEO was determined to rebuild trust in the industry. Hope that works at home, too.

^ Those actually aren’t bad, except no one in the audience will have any idea what he’s talking about.

seems like this is a limited-to-zero upside/possible large downside situation. why take the risk?

I’d give a presentation NOT on the CFA!!!


Don’t quit your day job.

No, just not funny.

Here are a few ideas. They’re not great but better then what you came up with:

Why did the economist cross the street? To join consensus.

How many University of Chicago economists does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, the market will take care of itself.

What’s the best way to make $1 million in today’s market? Start with $2 million.

Economists have forecasted 9 out of the last 5 recessions.

Economists are divided into 2 groups: microeconomists and macroeconomists. Microeconomists are people who are wrong about specific things…and macroeconomists are people who are wrong about things in general.

“God created security analysts so weathermen could feel good about themselves.”

“the stock market is a strange place. Every time someone sells, another buys, and they both think they’re geniuses”

I like this one. I’m going to use it. Thanks!

EDITED: double post…

Break a leg and keep us posted.

I don’t get the C-suite joke.

I’m assuming the rebuilding trust part has something to do with the wife but I think I’m missing the point.

@busprof said, "the stock market is a strange place. Every time someone sells, another buys, and they both think they’re geniuses”

This is a fact, may be a bit of funny fact, not a joke!!

That one’s a bit old, but it is good if you can find someone who hasn’t heard it before.