Feel old yet?


I despise when women play that game. Just trying to make you feel guilty for being a man.

When she reaches 22 she will realize she can get better and dump him. He will be 35 and will be too old to attract 19 year olds again.

I don’t know about that. I know 40-something’s with girls barely out of high school. Been with high school girls since they were in high school.

If you’re creepy enough, you can probably always find a high school chick.

I teach at a University. When I was in grad school, I asked another grad student if his wife ever worried about the fact that he was surrounded by 18-22 year old women. His respone? “You can always find someone to F** you”.

Luckily, I’m old enough now that they don’t even bother to flirt all that much. But the scenery is a nice perk of the job.

Yea, but I think what FT is trying to point out is that the younger person will mature and realize they can do better. The 40 year old with the high school aged girl isn’t swapping them out as much as they’re swapping him out. When they’re that young someone who isn’t a meathead, has an apartment and can buy dinner i has more value than the peers their age. When they’re 22-23 the guys their age will be able to do all that and be younger (read more relatable).

Youse got something against meatheads, bra?

Yes, for the first part of my response.

For the second part, the older the guy gets, the harder it is to get 19 year olds. 30 is harder than 25, 35 gets harder than 30, 40 gets much harder than 35. You are competing against more men the more you age.

Are you talking about the Hall of Famer?

About time. This marks the only occasion I’ll root for a Raider.

I was looking at volvos today, I feel old.

I think this is a new low: after a good f***, I’ve recently noticed that my right nut goes up and simply disappears from my sack. It takes up to an hour to come down again. Sometimes I just fall asleep and hope it’s back in the morning. One day might not be there anymore. Pretty frightening.

I’m starting to feel like something is wrong with my man sacks. I hear tales of them tightening before release or moving around based on various factors. Mine stay the same shape no matter what with the exception of extreme cold. Then they retreat.

Also, I’ve never liked them played with. A girl in high school didn’t know what she was doing and really messed up what would have been an awesome experience in her parent’s basement. Haven’t let a girl near them since.

You guys realize that no one here can ever meet in person, right? The information that has been released will destroy everyone…

This is just so wrong in so many ways, yet once again, you have managed to make the profane sublime. Well done sir. Well done, indeed. lol

mine gets stuck sometimes, i just push it out of the nut cave back into the sack

IEV, have you tried washing your girl’s dishes? krnyc2008 says that might help…

Something similar happened to me once…It was the scariest and most uncomfortable thing ever.

All this medical terminology is confusing.

first time it happened i freaked out. i thought i lost a nut. it took me so long to find it. it happens once in a blue moon but still scary every single time.

interesting read: http://ask.metafilter.com/115125/I-lost-my-ball-no-wait-there-it-is