Hangovers =[

Weird that you didn’t notice a difference, but increasing oxygen levels does have a ton of positive health effects in terms of speeding recovery and increasing energy / performance levels.


I usually go with ginger ale.

Also, playing basketball or a sport of some sort will definitely help you cure your hangover. I’ve done the Shamrock Shuffle in Chicago after a night of drinking and I was fully healed. Tired but not feeling sick. Same with playing basketball early in the morning.

I hit the sauna!

Sounds like a few others are in the exact same boat as me, I really don’t even drink to the point I’m drunk anymore just because the hangover isn’t worth it. One of the old guys at my work told me that he hasn’t gotten housed in 10 years because he had a hangover that litterally hung around for a week.

Btw, that diving thing is crazy. Its not a plausable option for me, but maybe if I’m on vacation or something I’ll try it.

There’s a bus in vegas, I think its called hangover haven, where they’ll hook you up to an IV, massage you, and all this other crap to try to cure your hangover, crazy.

I’ve dated a couple nurses and they’ve been known to hook one another up to salene IV’s before they go to bed if someone gets hammered. Wake up hangover free I hear. I have a phobia of medical equipment, so never got to try.

+1 on the hangover not being worth it. Only drink that puts me under now is Stroh rum. 160 proof. I still have a bottle that’s pretty much full because the HO is not worth it. Bottle has been there for about 2 months.

I heard about that bus in Vegas. The cure for hangovers in Vegas is just continued drinking. Can’t stop, won’t stop.

^uhuh uhuh

On bodybuilding.com there are some Marines that will drink all night and get wasted then hook each other up to IVs to get sober. Then they get up super early to run and do whatever. Crazy.

Jug a coconut water when you wake up and take a 5 hour energery. Done and done. Its like magic.

Found the bus: http://hangoverheaven.com/our-bus/


Ya I’m starting to get to that point where I can’t do Thursdays hard anymore. I did this last night and am in so much pain…

A lot of talk about the coconut water here. I’m going to get some today, I have a birthday thing to go to tonight and am going to dinner tomo for passing lvl 3, I dont want to be feeling like shit.

I was reading that coconut water has 5 types of electrolytes that are found in your blood, where as gatorade only has 2. To me, this makes the most sense.

Where are you most likely to be extremely dehydrated? If your stuck on a desert island. And what is god going to hook you up with as your natural resource to cure severe dehydratoin? A mutha fruck’n coconut, that’s what!

Yeah, I can’t do thursdays hard either. Last time I went out with one of the guys from work, we had to stay that we both got food poisioning from lunch when we strolled in at 10am.

I think there are a couple of things at play here. 1. When you are in shape you will tend to have a higher metabolism, so your body is able to absorb and eliminate the alcohol more quickly. 2. Alcohol likes water. When you are in better shape, your body has comparatively more muscle, which contains little water and therefore absorbs less alcohol. So, you tend to just piss out the alcohol instead of absorbing it into your system.

I good buddy of mine dated a nurse for a while that would hook him up in the mornings to get him hydrated. He said it worked wonders.

Curing a hangover also depends on what kind you get. In high school/college I would get nauseous/puke. For whatever reason, I don’t get nauseous anymore but I get killer headaches. For nausea I found sushi (rice by itself probably works) or really greasy food to be the best cure. Well, best aside from pulling the trigger and just evacuating my stomach.

Headaches are a different matter. Vicodin works but then I have to deal with nausea. As I mentioned above, the best solution is Excedrin. For those unfamiliar, it’s a drug cocktail of aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine. Basically the second worse thing you could do to your hungover body but it works like a charm. It’s bad for you because aspirin is horrible for your stomach, as Blake said acetaminophen is bad for your liver, and caffeine is a diuretic making your already dehydrated body even more devoid of water. But, it cures all but the worst hangover headaches.

So that’s the second worst thing you can do to yourself. The worst thing, and the most effective, is hair of the dog. Grab a mimosa or a bloody mary and man up.

^ Avoid Hangovers - Stay Drunk.

Yea, my brother’s a big diver and swears that 5mins of good oxygen can cure the worst of hangovers - that said it might actually be more socially acceptable to be a complete mess on Fridays than to be taking hits from your spareair in between emails (http://www.spareair.com/).


Party like it’s a bachelor party everytime.

This same thing has happened to me. I’m in really good shape btw. Drank 6 days a week when I was younger and now hardly at all.

i look at it as a plus, it’s natures way of telling me that it wants me to do something with my life. I really rarely drink now unless I’m on vacation. (when I get shitfaced)

Agreed about going hard while on vacation. It’s boring going out at the local places. I’ve seen everything here several times. Plus, HCBs flock to you when you’re an out of towner. I don’t know how they know, but they smell from a mile away you’re not from their town.

Im on vacation currently, As I write this post, I’ve just done an all night session in Stockholm. Its Just before 8 AM and I’m sitting in bed next to a 20 year old blonde Swedish girl who I had unprotected sex with after meeting her at a Viking themed restaurant. I am unable to fall asleep due to the amphetamines which I took.

Thank God I don’t have work tomorrow.

Pics or it didn’t happen.