Hillary on NAFTA: http://tinyurl.com/zbykonz

To believe anything Hillary says is like going into a dark van marked Candy drawn on the side with a sharpie. all the Bernie fans who end up voting for hillary will end up getting shafted. she’ll promise anything to get your vote, then shaft you later

Have a read: http://www.ddorn.net/papers/Autor-Dorn-Hanson-ChinaShock.pdf

To summarize, our deals with China -contrary to old economic wisdom - have worked against the US and thus, these trade deals have not benefited US interest. There is a study on NAFTA that shows their has been no improvement from the trade deal - in fact if you factor out some economic improvement not related - it actually reflects a negative story while the counterparts have benefited.

You are getting outcomes and intent mixed up.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

^Same can be said for DT. Just because the US is losing jobs doesn’t mean it didn’t negotiate the best deal it could. This is one are where DT supporters will be badly disappointed.

Excellent read. In an ideal frictionless job market, the traditional praises of free trade might hold up, but given the immobility of most workers and the low average income of today’s trading partners, the adjustment takes decades, not years. HRC found how important location and family is to people. She was in West Virginia suggesting there would be assistance offered for relocation and job training. She didn’t understand when a member of the panel said, I paraphrase, “We aren’t going anywhere. This is home. We want to mine coal.” Trade didn’t cause that communities pain, but the plight is similar. The effects have no doubt been devastating to many communities across the country. The mistake was thinking labor would adjust fairly quickly. It will be decades, if not generations, if ever. Such an underclass has been created, the cycle will be hard to turn around. The flood gates should have been cracked, not thrown open. Throw uncontrolled immigration into the mix, we have created a huge problem with a large precent of the population. More social turmoil to come.

^^perhaps, but one can very easily make that case.

That’s because China (and Asia) has the negotiating leverage.

Trump can’t control macro-economic shifts. The economic center is moving Eastward, and Americans throwing temper tantrums will only speed this movement. You just have to get used to your new place.

This is pretty much it. Policymakers are already negotiating deals in the interest of the US, but simply the world is changing. And where they lose out, it is because US doesn’t have the leverage, not because they’re not trying.

If Trump had innovative ideas about how to make the US more competitive, it would be interesting instead of “I’d negotiate a GOOD DEAL”. If pigs could fly…

I say this only with a slight touch of hubris, but China still does not have the leveraging power when compared to US. What they have, as you know, is an abundance of extremely cheap labour and a manipulated currency which happen to benefit the multinational companies currently residing in the US. The economic shift is not eastward, but towards robotics. I am not looking forward to a billion people in China without work, or 30-40 percent unemployment here in the US/Worldwide. That will cause chaos.

It was interesting to watch Obama when Xi Jinping visited. For the camera Obama is always giving stern aggressive looks, because the Americans need to believe the US is “still in change”. But off camera you know it’s very different, China offers terms, and the US either takes them or gets left out.

Who will make/buy all the robotics? China.

Right… That’s why China A shares were added to the major indexes

They were not added (by the West), because the West wants to stop what’s coming. But they can only delay the inevitable…

wrong, they were not added because china is full of fraud and a house of cards. I’m not saying the US economy is a safe haven but china is a complete and utter mess, as an analyst i thought you would agree.

As for “who will build the robots”, probably other robots but i have no doubt they will be produced in the US, and perhaps right in my back yard in Cambridge.

Why would China turn to robotics when they have a huge, cheap workforce that would be displaced? Is a product manufactured by robots in China going to be cheaper than the same product manufactured by robots in the US or Europe?

Says the desperate Western propaganda machine. :wink:

Big picture none of this talk matters. The trend has been happening for decades, and it will keep happening this century. US can’t renegotiate shit, worse deals are however available.

to confirm, you are long china?

Pretty sure this is a troll account, but saying a country whose imports give you 4.5% of your GDP while you give them

What sane person wouldn’t be given these macro-trends?

Wishful thinking. Current state of leverage is already reflected in current deals, if they had this leverage, they would have used it. Going forward leverage will continue to move Eastward for obvious reasons.

Any financial war is really just a battle of wills. The Chinese are used to suffering and will do so if they must, Americans are not and will back down at the slightest pain. Nobody in the US has been stupid enough to start a conflict with CN, there is a reason for that.

The US are the biggest financial schemers the world has ever known, and you are right, it is not sustainable. USG bankrupt, fed stretched to breaking point, etc.


Eastward for obvious reasons.


What are the obvious reasons?