How do you get your adrenaline pumping?

I’ve always wanted to do some type of racing. How did you get started with karting? Any recommendations?

I think I’m going to learn to ride motorcycles once income permits.

Really? I was thinking of taking up Judo as it seems less insane than some others for injury. Maybe I need to reconsider.

For what reason? This is not a very effective martial art for defense.

You would be much better off with something like brazilian jiu jitsu.

I’d try to find a track that offers kart rentals. They let you borrow a helmet and you can go at it. I think electric karts are good for beginners (that’s what I’m racing). They go about 45 mph and since there is not as much noise, you can really focus on shapening basic skills. The one I go to occasionally offers a class where a professional race car driver shows up and teaches. Sometimes they offer gran prix style races where you race for places and trophies. Some of those guys are REALLY good. I talked to the instructor of one class and he says there are people who spend $20k+ a year on it! My goal is to get a couple trophies there and move up to something faster after.

IMO, if you like it after a few tries, I’d go to a class or read a book on it before you go a lot, if you want to get competitive. It’s possible to pick up bad habits which are hard to break.

In a nutshell : striking arts may result in bruises and broken ribs or nose, on top of head trauma.

Grappling (the most widepread forms of which are wrestling, BJJ and judo) on the other hand will result in joint or spine injuries (basically bending joints the wrong way).

Judo has the highest impact of all grappling forms. This is due to the ruleset as well as the kimono which is used to accelerate falls.

In any combat sport you can spar lightly to avoid injuries. However, due to the impact, judo is the one in which you have the highest chance of not being able to avoid an injury, because it happens so quickly.

I find this post terrible.

First of all, who is talking about self-defense ? Why do you assume that self-defense is a concern for him ? There are many reasons to chose a martial arts, and self-defense is not always the first one. Besides, if you want to learn how to defend yourself on the streets, the first thing to do is to learn how to punch and how to defend a punch. So that would be boxing.

Then, on the judo vs BJJ thing, this is an endless debate, with no clear answer. BJJ is great for submitting someone on the ground. But it might not be the best idea to go to the ground if someone is attacking you, especially when common sense dictates that you need to GTFO of where you are being attacked. Being able to throw or toss someone is much more useful. At the very least, a judoka will be able NOT to fall and to control a random attacker by grabing his sleeves, collar, etc.

Yea I’m not looking to get into a big debate over it.

If the poster is not concerned about self-defense then ignore my post. Easy as that.

Took a piss next to John Hull just now.

semi chub.

I did martial arts for like 10 years while growing up and competed up to national level, until I dropped out due to injuries. The thing is, it gives you a false sense of confidence when getting into a fight. I could probably beat up some random guy - but this has as much to do as much with being physically fit as it does with learning techniques. Some basketball or football player could probably beat up random people too. However, in real life, some guy might have a knife, and I might be over confident and try to grapple the guy like in sparring, and then I get stabbed and die. The best self defense is to just hand over your wallet and get new credit cards.

I think martial arts is great in improving general fitness, since you work all parts of your body and the competitive setting motivates you to push very hard. It probably doesn’t matter which specific one you do; all practices share these benefits. However, at the same time, I think it’s sort of a young people sport. Now that I am in my late twenties, I don’t think I would want to keep doing martial arts, even if I could. The risk of long term injury is just too high. This is what motivated me to try endurance sports like running very far or triathlon.

Driving go kart seems fun. The other thing I want to try is to buy an old Miata or similar car and go to autocross. It seems like this would be a money pit though.

I roll verbatim to Jason Statham in the movie Crank.


I’ve been autocrossing and I’m not a fan. The good things are that, it’s very cheap and you can pretty much use any car. They have stock classes you can run in against cars of similar performance. The bad is that, you have to work the course (which some people enjoy) but basically stand out there most of the day, waiting for someone to knock a cone over and you go set it back. You get like, 3-4 runs a day, which are about 1 min per run, depending on how long the course is. Not enough track time for me. Something else you can do is take your car to a high performance driving event (HPDE) if there is a track close by that offers it. They let a group out a time and you explore the limits of your car, not a competitive event.

I like racing for the competition so those events are meh.


^ I knew you would be the only one to get it.

^ Did you know the dude is almost 50? Raul Roy would love this guy.

He is almost 50 and asking for 50 in damages.

Yes, a better option I feel would be the gasoline run automatic karts

Sceptical, any recommendation?

Its quite an interesting case with social media blowing up on both sides… It will be interesting to see when/if all the facts come out.

Wont lie though, had no idea who he was until this weekend and I work down the street from the CBC. But sleeping with girls 20 years your junior, impressive in and of itself.

^ The alleged punching girls in the face and alleged non-consensual stuff and alleged workplace harassment stuff aside.

^word on the dating scene is he’s a huge creep. Had no idea who he was before Sunday