How much water do you drink a day?

if you drank 1600 ounces in one day, you would die.

Speak for yourself, wuss.

I drink a lot, due to working out a lot. To give you some perspective on how much I drink, I was at the same hotel for the last 3 weeks. I don’t drink alchol, but I tip nicely so bartenders are willing to fill my waters. Eventually the bartender started placing a pitcher next to me and would refill the pitcher, because she couldn’t keep up with the glass. I was drinking around 4 or 5 pitchers for dinner and 2 or so pitchers for breakfast. I figure on average, I drink about a gallon a day. But if the water is convienent, it goes much higher.

The bartender eventually told me one night “you know you can drink too much water?” ha ha


He’s correct you mental midget. 1600 oz is 12.5 gallons. Maybe you should go back to fourth grade and relearn your conversions. What you are suggesting is a death sentence.

I am neither crazy nor short. Furthermore, different strokes for different folks. I am simply tougher than you and require more water. Did you know that the body is 60% water and the brain is 70%? That is probably why I am smarter than you.

That’s why

^ He makes some valid points

Are you suggesting that this idiot drinks 12.5 gallons of water a day BS? Because you are smarter than that. He’s probably confusing ounces with milliliters or something similar.

Blake are you British? Or German? How many stone do you weigh?


12.5 gallons is like the gas tank of a Honda Civic.

3.00 L on a busy day…On a day that im free and able to go to the gym early, 4.50 L


Blake, I’m 98% sure he’s joking.

Damn, the board finally uncovered my automotive geneology…indeed, I am part man part machine. I’m still mostly human, but I’m working on that.

My trips to get water/pee are necessary to save my eyesight. On the other hand, my trips to the water cooler (forum) cause a staggering amount of lost productivity.

Camel Bak Eddy sits on my work desk (750ML), fill it up at 8, usually before lunch, and around 3 p.m. I would say at least 100 oz per day total.

Ok, so far I’ve at 10 gallons of water, ate five saltine crackers in a minute, had a gallon of milk in an hour, and just swallowed a spoonfull of cinnamon with no ill effects. I don’t know what the big deal it.

I hardly drink water, which causes me to sweat and urinate less.