I have passed both Level 1 and Level 2 exams on first attempt and I claim superior investment performance :D!

I wouldn’t mention it on my resume at all until you can pass level 3 next year. Then you can say “Passed all three levels in consecutive years vis a vis my investment manhood is larger than yours” or something like that :slight_smile:

Guys, lets not be hypocrites, we are all posting on this link to boast that we did it and that too in our first attempts- its all a combination of intellect (considering I also did it, theres not a huge benchmark), effort and luck, so don’t fight, its the time to celebrate.


Wasn’t OP the one being morbid about the CFA charter and compared it to being insignificant in ones life? Well, someone is happy for a very small thing then!

Wasn’t OP the one being morbid about the CFA charter and compared it to being insignificant in ones life? Well, someone is happy for a very small thing then!

WOW smack down…

This is outlined in your ethics. You are allowed to make the claim that you passed your exams on your first attempt and not be in violation of ethics. However, you are never allowed to use your CFA designation to claim superiority, which includes saying you are better than other CFA charter holders because you passed on your first attempts.

CFAI understands their exams are largely just a time investment rather than intellectual capabilities. This is why they require 4 years of relevant work experience to obtain the designation which goes under review.


Happy? Yes I am happy! I had an accomplishment. Read through the whole “don’t blow the CFA out of proportion” and you will realise that OF COURSE I cared about the results. My point in that post was something completely different that clearly you don’t have the capability of comprehending! Rahul just likes your comment, because he didn’t like my comment (aka reality check). Someone “acting” (and this is an understatement) all humble and pretending to be down to earth on a freaking joke when his other posts ALL SUGGEST OTHERWISE is indeed a person claiming indirect superiority.

This guy clearly gets my point!



I am not superior to any one …i passed L2 with 3 months of study and got >70 in 8 topics only…there are people on this forum who have nailed 10/10 above 70.

Perhaps i just love the CFA designation more than others and thats it.

But again Kaveh will not understand as his mental equilibrium is not ok.