If Colin Kaepernick had any pride left, he would retire

^ lol yea I chuckled as I wrote that. I find it very interesting reading greenies take on situations as its night and day to most people in the northeast

I’m going to have to go with Plaxico on this one. That was really, really stupid.

Remember, too, that I served in the military. So maybe I take the whole “respect for the US flag” a little more seriously than most.

I mean, I don’t have unfettered access to his personal life and bank statements which I’m assuming you do. I just know that he works in a field where the majority of his coworkers are black and maybe that means that making a statement to generate dialogue is worth it to him.

Like I said, I disagree with his overall stance but I can think of about a million other things worth getting more irritated about than a jock in a sport I hardly care taking a stance. I’m very anti BLM for anyone that noticed the 50 page threads where I probably threatened to throw my keyboard at someone and I just don’t see this as something worth batting an eye at.

But then again I’ve never really understood the soap opera reality show driving frat boys to ooze estrogen and act like overweight cheerleaders that is the NFL season.

Kaepernick: “ I have great respect for men and women that have fought for this country. I have family. I have friends that gone and fought for this country. They fight for freedom. They fight for the people. They fight for liberty and justice for everyone. And that’s not happening. People are dying in vain because this country isn’t holding their end of the bargain up as far as, you know, giving freedom and justice and liberty to everybody…

Yes, I’ll continue to sit. I’m going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. To me, this is something that has to change. When there’s significant change, and I feel like that flag represents what it’s supposed to represent and this country is representing people the way that it’s supposed to, I’ll stand.”

I guess that’s what passes for disrespecting the military these days. Contrary to what they teach in Texas, the military does not and never will own the flag, the flag is a symbol of the USA, of which the military is but one piece. As I said above, it’s alarming that flag and anthem have come to represent the armed forces rather than the other way around.

Texas must be just livid then to know that we have a Presidential nominee that says, "I like people that weren’t captured, OK? He’s not a war hero.” about a 5 year Vietnam POW.

+^1,000. The U.S. Flag does not represent only our military but ideologies, people AND military as a whole. I have respect for the flag and anthem but with that you must also respect another U.S. citizen’s right to stage a protest. I understand why people think it’s wrong but this is what makes our country so great in that one would not be exiled for this act of defiance.

I’m not American and I always stand for the American anthem. As I hope Americans would do for mine. And as I do for that of any other country (ex-Putinland). It’s a matter of basic respect. America is bigger than CK’s issue. And there is no other country in the world that would allow CK to enjoy his lifestyle with his skillset. He should respect that.


my opinion is that it is what it is, nothing more nothing less.

^Geo, my country respects a person’s freedom of speech. In my country one doesn’t even have to do the Pledge of Allegiance [West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette].

There are common rules of respect but my country observes the right to disregard the anthem and pledge if he/she chooses to do so out of protest or religious faith.

Well said buddy.

I agree. CK has every right to sit. And I have every right to call him a douche for doing so. That’s liberty. Having the right to do something doesn’t mean someone is above reproach for doing it.

is CK even a brother? Hes about as black as Barack OBama Change gone Comma.

Fair enough.

No, he grew up in a white middle class family. I went to school with some of his cousins. Though, his upbringing shouldn’t matter regarding his views. Where I’m from, there are a lot of people disappointed in him for his recent sit-down.

There is no friggin’ shield. It’s grown men chasing a ball. Same as actors and circus performers, there to amuse me. They are not cops or astronauts - so one of them appears ungrateful, big deal.

Plus what BS said and quoted.

Colin’s got nothing on the agitation these guys caused. Used to have a picture of this in my apartment in college.

Image result for black power fist olympics

^whats that?

'68 Olympics