If Kobe Bryant had any pride left, he would retire

Kobe is officially hacksaw. Finished his career 3rd all-time in scoring, the bum couldn’t even make Top 2.

^Tis true. Kareem, Karl, or Hacksaw.

So wait the top three scorers are:

K areem Abdul-Jabbar

K arl Malone and

K obe Bryant?


Like K im, K hloe, K hourtney? :open_mouth:

Yup, although based on birth names it would be the LKK

Made close to 50% in his last game to get 60 points, I’ll take that everyday than letting scrubs like Nick Young and DRUS take the shots.

The name on your birth certificate is less important than the name you identify with. Just ask Cassius Clay, Marion Morrison, or Calvin Broadus, Jr.

^ True dat. I’m now referred to mostly by my stage name, FT.

Okay guys, i think this thread subject title has jumped the shark.

…if this thread subject title had any pride left, it would retire.