is UBER worth $10 billion?

lol. dude you guys are going to laugh your ass off. juss yesterday someone paid my dad 100 bucks to transport a piece of art. it was about an hour ride. they literally used uber black as a first class courier service.

I’m definitely in the minority. Maybe even the only one. Uber breaks the local laws everywhere it operates, but everyone loves it. What’s the argument? Commercial carriage laws should be repealed? Should traditional taxi services no longer comply with local laws? Should cops no longer be allowed to pull over commercial operators without cause? Just seems odd that so many people are supportive of turning their noses at the law. What’s next? Unlicensed buses? Airlines? I certainly could under cut the competition. I’m not a fan of some cities taxi laws, but I would prefer the rules are changed first.

And many taxi services are using apps for dispatch. Predated uber actually. Uber just facilitates unlicensed operators. It’s criminal.

multiple arguments. is more efficient. more people are able to drive others. prices are lower. everyone is connected in 1 central application. is a better rating agency. people are rated by other riders as oppose to a bureaucrat. drivers are more accoutnable since every ride is rated. the crappy drivers are booted.

  1. it is more entrepreneurial. Most drivers own the car and profit for themselves. if no profit, they can easily opt out. less drivers will drive surge prices higher.

  2. More revenue for government. Sure there are no licensing. But at least it is all centrally taxed. uber’s profits are taxed. an individual’s income is taxed. it benefits the government more, as there are more transactions.

  3. It is technically much safer. every ride is tracked by a central office. any problems contact central office and they have scale to fix any problem.

It’s hard to get laws changed first then start a company. Now, Uber has the resources (money and popularity) to challenge these regulatory hurdles. Can’t really go to a state assembly and say, “hey, I got this great idea for an app but it’s really a cab company so I’ll need you guys to clear a path for me.” Just wouldn’t get done.

Even with the challenges facing Uber I like the way they’ve gone about it. They’ve stretched the law as far as it would allow, got kicked out of some places, and then - most importantly - their customers got pissed at the politicians. Politicians like to be popular so they find a way to make Uber accessible.

Even a back asswards place like Kansas will find a way to get Uber back up and running in a couple few months.