John Rogers is OUT

^ great idea.

also the local society here hosts events throughout the day like 9am-6pm on weekdays, i dont know anyone who is going to them most people are working during those hours and the events are also not free.

anyways did everyone get the proxy stuff in the mail? rogers pulled in 1.4 mil last year, john bowman pulled in 1.23 mil last year…not bad, not bad at all

Wonder if Rogers’ $60,000 long term retention incentive will be clawed back.

This would be a nice addition, however, successful finance people generally are trying to avoid additional committments, so there is likely to be an adverse selection problem.

On another point, traditionally mentoring relationships are between a mentor and a “protégé”, although “mentee” has recently entered the lexicon too.

If your mentor doesn’t want to work with you anymore, perhaps this means you are demented??

bchad, when you make goofy comments like that, I can’t help but think you’re testing your standup jokes on us.

For some of the folks here, willingness if the mentor to work with them might be evidence of demntia.

“Mentee” is disgusting. I always say “protégé”.

where did i get that Rogers made over $20 mil? i thought i heard that somewhere but based on previous posts he “only” made 1.4?

Is that his total compensation (including benefits) or simply salary?

Isn’t his total comp reported in our proxy? 1.4 sounds more like what I remember seeing.

This would be awesome.

Most of my ideas are awesome.

I think we would need to be quite selective on the pool of mentee applicants…

Although a great idea in theory, I think it would fizzle out pretty quickly because the vast majority of mentees will be super annoying IT folks who think they’re going to run PIMCO after passing L1.

^ Not every mentee will be chosen. There will be a selection committee to make the appropriate match between the aspirations of the mentee and the work experience of the mentor. 1 mentee for every mentor to keep the relationship effective. If there are only 50 willing mentors in your chapter, then only 50 mentees can be chosen. If the 50 mentors are traders, then only mentees that want to get into trading will be considered. The mentor will also have the right to decline a match or terminate the relationship once it has begun if he/she feels he/she cannot be helpful.

I need a mentor! This sh!it is hard! Not the studying part but the applying to work part.

One fear in this program is that mentees will only participate in a hope of using mentors to network into jobs, rather than to learn about the industry or to increase their knowledge. While it is not wrong to meet career connections through programs like this, it will become tiresome for mentors who are paired with mentees who no longer regard the program as useful after realizing that the mentor is not a direct career resource.

Well, it’s offical. Rogers was having an affair…

Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce that the CFA Institute Board Search Team has selected global executive search experts Russell Reynolds to conduct the search for our next permanent CEO. Dwight Churchill, CFA, as interim President and CEO, is extremely well placed to lead the organization with diligence, and in due course, to effect a smooth transition to our next permanent CEO. I look forward to keeping you updated on further progress. We are aware that Members may know individuals who may be viable, qualified candidates for this role—or may wish to express an interest themselves. A summary of the position is available on the Careers at CFA Institute webpage. Qualified candidates may direct their inquiries to our search partner at Russell Reynolds:

Best regards, Charles Yang, CFA

i nominate ITERA

-numi, can you update his resume ill email it in

If itera became president of CFAI, we would get some interesting monthly newsletters. “Lol, congrats on enrolling in the CFA program. You think you are the only genius to take this exam thinking you will get a finance job? No one is saying it doesn’t help at all. After all, buying 2 lottery tickets instead of 1 means you doubled your chances of winning. But that doesn’t mean your overall odds are very good. ROFL!”

^I nominate Ohai. Keepz it realz.

I’ll run it and market it as a segway from BOM to Models and Bottles BSD. Enrollement would increase 10-fold with passrates invesely falling likewise. It would become the desigation of designations.