
Do you think babies are born with personalities? The whole Nature vs Nuture thing?

My kid taught me that Nature is king. Nuture sets boundaries.

I guess I should have said “based upon averages, the kid should be sleeping around 3 months.” Some slippage is normal of course, but at 12 months? That’s painful. How does one work without sleep for 12 months? Also - the idea that kids should just go at their pace… Insanity. Raise your children as you wish, but I know a couple with a 4 year old in diapers because they feel the kid doesn’t want to learn yet. At some point the kid needs to be put on a toilet and told that’s life. I took a similar approach at 4 or 5 months. He was going to learn to sleep through the night. End of story. And he’s a great independent sleeper now. Fantastic. I’m sure it doesn’t always work and there is obviously balance. But I see lots of folks giving so much slack. To each their own of course, but it seems like unnecessary suffering for parents. This “there is no average baby” nonsense is part of it. Of course there is an average baby and a developmental bell curve.

I’m not sure what “average” is but both of my kids seem to have inherited some degree of my insomnia. I don’t think my wife has had more than one full night of sleep a week in 8 years.

^ Nature vs. Nurture. :stuck_out_tongue:

So, to each their own but if your kid isn’t fully potty trained by 4 than you’re an asshole? That was a bizarrely passive aggressive post.

We put our three year old on the toilet. Sometimes he goes. Other times, he’s like “fuck you, dad. I’m a badass and I do what I want.”

He’s BSD material.

I didn’t say that. Some kids struggle to learn and that’s life. But there is a big movement among parents to not force kids to do things they don’t want to do. Its one thing to try and the kid struggles and can’t do it. Its another for people to ask their kid if they feel like learning and if they don’t, then they say no problem, some other time. This kid has never bothered to try because they don’t want to force it. This is obviously a problem for day care and now school too. I’m not saying the OP is following this strategy with sleeping at all. Who knows what he is doing. Maybe these kids just don’t sleep well. But I know lots of folks that co-sleep or rush out to every wimper and sure enough, these kids struggle to sleep in a routine. That’s their right of course as parents to do whatever they want to do.

Co-sleeping is extremely stupid and even dangerous.

i think all our little snowflakes should be allowed to develop however they see fit.



It’s very effective birth control though.

They are.


You have older kids, do you think the personality you’ve seen when they were younger played out as you expected it would?

kids, whats the matter with kids today

Hah! I wish. They should be…they should be…they should…be…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…/CRY…Wha? Only two hours this time? so tired…

^ My sympathies.