Male Chauvinist Women

^ So they always date signficantly younger?


And many women in mid 20s are fine with dating 38-45 range.

I personally don’t get it but that’s the reality.

Common mate, if she wasn’t, you really think I’d be spending this much time thinking about how to handle this situation :wink:

Unfortunately, I think you’re right mate - and yes, it’s more about work than anything else. I spend roughly 10-12hrs at work, 1.5 hrs in the gym, 6hrs sleeping and what is left after commuting to study for exams. Not just me, but I doubt anyone who has settles down early can truly give 100% to their career.

No, it’s not wrong to have kids when you’re in twenties but if you’re in twenties, chances are that you’re going to be far too busy developing your own self (professionally, financially, etc) - let alone being prepared to take responsibility of another little one.

And given the extremely middle class upbringing I had, I kinda decided long time back that I’m not having kids until I have enough money to make him/her feel like (s)/he’s born into royalty. I know this sounds crazy, but that’s how I see it. I’ve seen mothers fighting for a space in the tube for their double pushchairs/strollers/whatever it’s called - those images have had a significant impact on me.

Whilst 40 maybe pushing it, I don’t really see what’s wrong with that - I spent teh first ~22 years studying and busting my balls preparing for success in the financial world. Now that I am seeing some fruits of it, I would want to enjoy it for atleast 1-2 decades. don’t you think?

This doesn’t mean that you stop enjoying life when you have kids, but you can’t papmer yourself either - I know I want to, I still have to learn how to fly a plane and then get enough money to buy one. :wink:


cheers mate!

I think it is a solid plan to wait to have kids. I don’t know why people rush to have kids in their twenties for fear of being an old Dad or not having the energy. If you keep yourself in shape, you can still be more energetic and look younger - it is all about how you take care of yourself. I have seen 50 year old Dads with young kids that have more energy and passion for their kids than the 40 year old with a huge beer gut, fat and bald that cannot get off his ass to play baseball with his kid.

I’ve seen enough people have kids in their twenties to see how it drastically changes their lives, including their career progression.

I can wait, oh wait i’m already in my 30’s sh!t.

True. I realised that there is so much more to life than work, and I’m much happier for realising that. I’m glad o figured that out in my 20s rather than 40s. The lifestyle impacts are a choice. We still regularly travel around the world, no problem. And its a lot of fun travelling with a young one seeing the world for the first time. Honestly, there hasn’t really been any major negative changes in the life style camp. Its overplayed. Some lazier folks use kids as an excuse for why they don’t do things, but its a matter of choice. If your life focuses on substance abuse or high risk activities, then yeah, it probably is a hindrance to have kids.

Hire a dominatrix on the side to satisfy this weird fetish of yours.

Challenge accepted underway.

Lifestyle change is a lousy excuse, esp if a guy is in his 30s. Guys just won’t grow up!

shootforthestars1 did your mother go singlemommy in your youth?