Mentors: why all the threads?

sure, you’d be stuck and have to relive say 30 years, but think about how crazy rich you’d be. you would know when to buy/sell stocks, which companies are getting bought out, what teams to bet on. you can come up with linkedin and facebook first.

and they went back over a day with only 3 turns I think, didn’t dumbledoor say around 3?

^ changing the past changes the future though

If I went back 30 years, I would get with Blake’s mom in the off chance that this is necessary to produce Blake and prevent a collapse of the space time continuum.

Nope, it was only a few hours. They went back from evening-time to when Buckbeak was about to get executed. They freed Buckbeak, freed Sirius, then barely made it back to the hospital wing in time.

always emotion is the future.