Michael Moore is my HERO!

Voting for Trump because “he will bring back jobs!” is beyond asinine. The bigger threat to these jobs is automation, not outsourcing. Trump, nor anyone else for that matter, will be able to stop technological progress from taking away these factory jobs.

Here’s more of the “death by 1000 cuts”, social security insolvency.

Without checking the math, it seems like a decent analysis. Bottom line “if we screw you mildly in four different ways, it will seem less painful than screwing you in one big way”. Brought to you buy the government analysts (actuaries).

How the Next President Could Save Social Security

Agree and disagree. They’re both problems, would tend to agree automation’s the bigger one. Though there’s something to be said for one side acknowledging one of the two, while the other does neither. Further more, I disagree that no one can stop it. It’d just take discussions that, as we stand now, would have you not taken seriously which is unfortunate because they’re inevitable. They’ll just be kicked down the road until the problem is more apparent. That’s not even a forecast. There’s studies out there about the amount of jobs that don’t even need to exist TODAY (IIRC something like 50%). AKA further advancement isn’t even needed, implementation is. No idea why people tend to act like this problem is limited to factory jobs. Our economic system can only sustain unemployment levels to a certain point. Using monetary policy to gloss over the problem is unfortunately not a sustainable solution though we’ll definitely keep trying. yes

In other news, no idea how I found myself to that guy’s twitter, but what I came here to post- “Righties’ve doctored clip from my film 2 make it look pro-Trump”. That was fun while it lasted. sad

The robot auto could kill millions of jobs in and of itself in the next 5 - 10 years Every parcel carrier, delivery driver, trucker, cabbie is fucked.

Yup, and in that way, it seems like it is moving to a type of society that shows up in the sci-fi (Asimov mixed with Idiocracy), where most humans aren’t that needed.

You have the masses, with no jobs, sitting at home consuming pizza and coke, sedated on pot and other drugs, receiving a government check, which is set such that they can just get by. Then you have the upper class, the asset owners, collecting all the wealth from the automated society. There’s no real reason for the 99%, other than being the consumers of the stuff.

^ to be honest PA if the govt gave me pot & mushrooms I would be good to go. That doesnt sound too bad!

I think you’d be surprised how close this is to an assessment of the present as opposed to the future. But yea, it still has a ton of room to run.

^ Indeed, it’s already current state.

My hippy FB friends were all “yeah, pot is legal, now we are free!”. But I immediately think, okay but why did the gov decide it was a smart move to legalize now?? As theorized above; sedate the unneeded masses who are growing angry. Is walking into their trap “being free”?

I don’t smoke the Halfling’s leaf, PA is straight edge. cool

but you’re on facebook bro. hacksaw.

Government did not decide. States held referendums (referenda?) People decided. May be a hard concept because it goes against purealpha’s preconceived narrative of American sheeple.

Colorado has legal pot. Many others have “medicinal” use (intended for patients in pain, freely abused.) Feds won’t prosecute but won’t legalize either.

Nah, it’s not an issue of needing permission. If anything I’d say most people I know smoke the devils lettuce and eventually people just decided it wasn’t worth hassling each other over. On the other hand, some people do need permission just prefer being told what to like by the radio vs finding music, nothing new here.

Sort of like how people decided Brexit, after they were given permission to decide.

So true. The USG is intentionally a giant bureaucracy that, in theory, one person cannot greatly influence even if they’re President. I’ve been posing the question lately to friends: if you had lived in America for the past 25 years had no knowledge of elections or elected officials, wouldn’t it be entirely believable that the same individual had been President the whole time?

Point: HRC will win obviously and nothing will change. The country will keep getting more liberal little by little (as with the rest of industrialized world). But, overall, the average person will notice very little change.

Grade from senior analyst: D-


Anybody can start getting signatures to put a measure on the ballot. No government involvement required.

Learn before you judge.