When I think MILF, I think there is a noticeable age difference. That imo should give a pause to a guy, no matter how attractive the woman is.

Smashed out a few milfs before, in alot of ways I prefer it because they know what they like/want and are open minded. Plus theres the non-commital thing.

I guess, if you like having sex with ugly women? The ILF implies attractive to me but I guess everyone’s different.

I think MILF implies women like Sofia Vergara or a younger mother in her early 30s…not your average middle aged mother of two FYI.

17 < MILF < 77. ILF any M (or GM) with a pulse. Why complicate it?

Jimmy Failla has a good explanation (starts at 6:00m). (NSFW language)

I love the part where he says “…and she’s your friend…”


How dare you compare skin colour to a disability? Are you racist, retarded or both???

Oedipus Complex

It’s simply the fact that she’s attractive…some moms can be really hot…some arent…just like a girl in her 20’s…can be really hot…or not. The bragging just comes from the fact that it’s probably not their usual conquest.

Same as daddy issues for women dating someone twice their age.

Well, remember that the older woman is risking being called lots of unflattering things by doing a young kid. So there is an ego boost that an older woman is attracted to a guy enough to go ahead and do it in spite of those risks. It works the other way too, the older woman may get an ego boost that she “still” can attract a hot young thing, which is particularly enjoyable for some women if they are worried about getting older and no longer being attractive.

I’ve been with an older woman (who was freakin hot too; even women in their 20s would comment), and I have to say that I don’t think I’ve ever been so well treated and respected. Note that this is what most young women who go out with older men often say about older men too. When people get older they tend to dispense with a lot (admittedly not all, but a lot) of the BS and game playing that young people dish out. As long as they havent turned neurotic, they tend to be much more pleasant and less volatile to be with, because they tend to know where the minefields are in relating to other people and can navigate them better.

As you get older, you still have all the emotions you had when you were a teenager, hope, fear, etc., but you get better at managing them and running with the good ones while avoiding the bad ones.

So, you guys are not talking about the Moro Islamic Liberation Front?

The rank of “MILF commander” never stops being funny…

According to ohai’s link, Muammar Gaddafi was a longstanding supporter of MILF’s.

I agree. it’s not how they behave that interest me, eventhough you’re right, i’m interested to know why the boys think it’s such a great/ proud story to share…

This is very informative.

I guess I was right using the term MILF?

ALTHOUGH i have never seen pictures of these women so i don’t know how attractive they are, but that’s a subjective thing anyway, but for sure they are all in their 40s with kids - NOT the hot 29 year old single moms out there.

Okay… so you are saying a 19 year old guy can be attracted to a 42 year old mom and/or find her easy…

and therefore it makes good cocktail stories?

As to why brag about things, just realize that half the sex stories you hear people bragging about are either invented or highly embellished.

But there’s an undertone to your question which I don’t understand. What’s wrong with MILFs?

Yes, I wasn’t joking in my first post. Most guys are attracted to older women. It’s a thing. Not necessarily for a long term thing, but it’s a nearly universal fantasy. There are all sorts of fantasies that stem from this - teachers, nurses…basically anything a stripper dresses up as is closely related to the oedipal complex. MILFs are about as close as you can get to living out the fantasy without getting a little too creepy for civilized cultures.

I’m pretty sure most guys are attracted to younger women…

Are they akin to the Coalition for the Liberation of Itinerant Tree-dwellers?