NYC AF holiday get-together??

you guys better bring some classy babes…

What time?

So, to summarize the current plans: Thursday, Dec 22nd (tomorrow) Patrick Conway’s Pub (43rd b/w Madison and Vanderbilt/GCT) Time: TBA, but I suggest 6PMish? Also, how will we identify ourselves at the bar? Some kinda batsignal or SECRET SPY CODE PHRASE would be appreciated. For example, I could say to someone randomly, “Correlation does not imply causation”. If you’re an AF person, you reply, “Clearly, for carrying an umbrella does not cause rain.” And then we’d know we were both AF folks. If, on the other hand, you replied, “Uhm, what?”, then I could be all like, “Well, uh, never mind.” And then I’d just have to do that scenario with all the people in the bar until we rounded up all the analystforum folks. Easy-peasy.

I had 6:30 down on the web link earlier, but 6pm is fine. I have a HCB event starting around 8pm (eat your heart out, Frank), so starting earlier might be better for me anyway.

You guys suck

P.S. If anyone wants to hangout after (around 8:30), come by to around NYU campus, i will be about somewhere drinking after the final

Hey, c’mon, we got to take L3 within meters of each other. We’ll always have that, CSK. Share the love, dude. :wink: (We can do another event in mid-January for those who are traveling over the holidays). (By the way, what is the final on, exactly? CS?)

Macro Economics

or maybe someone could make a sign with AF on it

As a compromise, I will hold a large sign with ANALYST FORUM written on it in glitter pen. I may not be able to fit all that, so it’ll probably just read “ANAL. FORUM”. I will also be wearing a “bedazzled” jacket, for visibility. If you guys wear ‘bedazzled’ jackets, too, then we probably won’t need a code phrase.

I could wear a Santa hat.

Did you happen to pull this off a dilbert strip recently??

Negatory, though I love Dilbert. The ‘umbrellas causing rain’ idea is my go-to example of someone getting correlation and causation confused. It occurred to me that it would make for an extremely geeky sounding codephrase between analystnerds. At any rate, I’ll be there after work for a drink or two, rockin’ my bedazzled stuff. Who all thinks they’re coming?

I googled HCB, and the most relevant answer was “Holy Cow Batman.” I envy your life

OK, so here is a video of Bchad pep talking level 3 folks that I remembered. I’m just gonna head to Paddy Conway’s at like 6:30 and see if I can find him. I’ll stick to the bar area and have a Schweser level 3 quicksheet sticking out of my bag. Also, I may or may not be wearing a bedazzled jacket [as discussed].

Ha ha. Well, I am bearded now. And I’ll bring a Santa hat just to stand out. Hopefully there won’t be a dozen people with the same idea. I expect to be there around 6:30.

I was referring to FrankArabia’s preferred topic.

I’ll be the token black guy in attendance. Do they have Henny and malt liquor at this establishment?

Im at the bar; corner end by the window

Saw SuperSadFace, CFA_Black_Belt, and iteracom, there, and fortunately was the only guy wearing a bright red Santa hat. It was definitely cool to do that, and I owe CFA Black Belt a beer next time. We could try in mid January for those who are out of town if there is enough interest.