Obama's accomplishments

Some kid in Nigeria will get juvenile diabetes.

Hmmm…are you asking us to vet this nonsense. I would have expected crisper crtitical thinking in this forum for this to ever make it to the exposure draft stage lol.

this is clearly #1


I was robbed at gunpoint once. I used to be surrounded by criminals. Arsonists, smugglers and thieves.

Are you a Clinton?

The question seems to imply that the Clintons themselves are not smugglers and thieves. I find the comment to be misleading on that basis. Furthermore, it begs the question, if you are a smuggler and thief, can you be surrounded by smugglers and thieves? Does that make sense or is it an inherent redundancy?

Obama is not that bad. I don’t like him and I oppose the Affordable Care Act, but he could be much worse. And he’s a hell of a lot better than Bush was.

anyone can choose to live in a bad neighborhood. most people don’t. the question implies that the Clintons make bad decisions wrt their choice of neighborhood. happens to the best of us.

also, when you refer to people like you (e.g. smugglers, theives), the correct word is homies.

loving the Hotline Bling! This redeems him of any wrong doing!


Trump would love this list. Forward him asap.

Missed one.



wow that is quite a list!

He’s among the top 5 Muslim leaders

The economical crisis started in the US under the leadership of POTUS Dick Darth Cheney, and then spread to other countries. The US under Obama recovered faster than Europe, and is achieving faster growth than most of the OECD.

His International policies were not wise though.

^ The US economy has largely recovered for rich, white people, not so much for the people who voted for him twice.

I thought Obama hated white people? D’oh.

^ I’ve never said he hates white people and don’t think he does (1/2 his family is white afterall), but it is extremely ironic that the people who voted for him in large blocks (poor minorites) have largely been left out in the cold while the people who voted against him in blocks (old, wealthy, white people) have done pretty well.

Obamacare, raising the minimum wage, reducing unemployment (this was remarkable), legalizing weed, and amzing comedy stand ups by the Comedian in Chief in a basic cable TV, C-SPAN; benefited the poor.

Yet I agree that the rich benefited more than the poor; as always.

Obamacare - a noble idea, but doesn’t address the real problem, which is cost of care, and is so poorly written and executed that it’s collapsing under its own weight. Even among those who’ve gained coverage, many have deductibles so high that they still can’t afford to go get treatment.

Raising the minimum wage - The federal minimum wage has been unchanged since July of 2009

Reducing unemployment - Most new jobs are low-wage, part-time jobs. The primary reason for the drop in unemployment is people dropping out of the workforce.

Legalizing weed - Weed remains illegal under federal law and remains a Schedule 1 controlled substance along with stuff like heroin and LSD.

I’ll give you the great comedy material.

these are all true, greenman