Orlando Shooting

The 85% statistic (taken from five thirty eight) was biased for two reasons. First, sample period selection. Ignoring that, it was also biased because they included all deaths from any incident in which a firearm was among the primary weapons. So in Boston, the bombing deaths got lumped in for example.

What happens if you include 9/11?

Hint: less than 1%.

What % of US gun deaths are terror related?

Hint: see prior hint.

Why would you go through the trouble of making home made bombs or hijacking planes, when you can legally buy assault rifles that can kill 50 people?

Because you can cause more damage with bombs and planes. See 9/11, OKC bombing, etc.

Anyhow, the 50 deaths were also largely due to the fact that SWAT waited more than three hours after first police arrived at 2am to finally storm the place despite the active shooter in a sealed space.

What percentage of terror-related deaths in UK and France since 9/11 involve guns?

I would like to see people under the age of 30 being banned from buying assault rifles as well as all Muslims under the age of 40. I think you could probably get pretty far towards progress with that.

Do they know how many of the victims were killed or injured after the police arrived on the scene?

The important thing is to realize this has nothing to do with Islam and stop spreading the hate. Yes, the governments of every major Arabic country do punish homosexuality with the death penalty (including Afghanistan, his parents alma mater) but this is different. “Extreme prejudice remains, both socially and legally, in much of the Islamic world against people who engage in homosexual acts. In Afghanistan, Brunei,Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen, homosexual activity carries the death penalty.[5][6][7][8][9][10][11] In others, such as Algeria, Maldives, Malaysia, Qatar, Somalia and Syria, it is illegal.” Wikipedia

Not released yet, I just saw the timeline. They may never know. So to be fair, I could be making an assumption here. But given that the first police arrived on the scene and engaged the shooter within 2 minutes, I’d say it’d have to be the majority. Anyhow, good point about the UK and France.

As I recall, the killing of gay and lesbians is not an ISIS law, it is fundamentally rooted in Islam. Sharia Law writes that their prophet mohammed says to kill gays. Just stating a fact here. Since this guy choose to attack a club known for gays, I’d say that’s pretty relevant. So the next question is, yes there are plenty of good and tolerant Muslimsin the US. But with that no doubt come radicals. When their own holy book says to kill gays, what can you do?

I think we can all agree we should ban them from owning guns. I’m basing this on the GOP’s distrust of Muslims and the Liberals’ willingness to restrict the rights of the population to protect from the actions of the few.

I am sure Republicans will stand up for freedom of religion. I know Ted Cruz is big on that.

I’m with you. Though realistically, it’ll be almost impossible to pull off that legislation

How about those Muslims that aren’t assholes start taking some responsiblity for those that are? I’m talking worldwide, not just in America (though that’d be a good start). There’s about a billion muslims, right? I’m guessing most of them are pretty cool people that just want to live a good, decent life and not mess with other people. Those muslims need to stand up to the huge number of intolerant assholes in their religion, and outright go to war with the extremists.

To my knowledge, only the Kurds are doing this (both being progressive and fighting extremism). I’m through defending the rest of the muslim population to the far right. Their religion sucks and they suck for allowing it to suck.

I’m confused. How are you calling this guy an extremist in the eyes of the Arab world? KSA, Iran, Yemen, UAE, Afghanistan and nearly every traditional Arabic power offers the death penalty for the “crime” of being a homosexual.

You’re a droll fellow, BS.

You are wrong.Homosexuality is not a crime and never has been.People get executed (being thrown off a cliff ,burned alive and stoning are the sharia-compliant ways although for the sake of PR many countries just hang them) for committing acts of sodomy. I am against all of these so called “laws” but you are not stating the facts here.

Also, there is presumably some concept of due process in Sharia law. You don’t get to go blow up a place and then say “some of those guys were most likely people who have committed sodomy.” As awful as those laws are, there is still some process required.

Yes,they are awful as you said.However the Judge has to reach a conclusion that two people have committed sodomy ,you cannot apply the rule of probability. Also, as I have stated before homosexuality is not a crime,sodomy between two males is.

If sodomy is defined the same way there as it is here, that doesn’t leave much for gays dudes to do.

Yes,but you cannot go around shooting gay dudes because you think they have committed sodomy.That is what the rule book says,there are a few people who like to do what they want with the rules and break them at will. The trouble with ISIS is any depressed and low life individual can start murdering and killing people and at the last minute confirm their affiliation with ISIS .