Plan of Attack

How many hours did you put in?

I am aiming for 400 - 450 if i can manage

How many hours did you put in?

I am aiming for 400 - 450

For L2, about 260 hours (I think exact was 258 or 259).

For L3, about 200 hours (I think exact was 202).

More of the first one during the first time I answered the EOC questions. It’s not cheating cause you’re trying to engrave the concept/formula in your mind. You can’t expect to learn everything during the first reading given the amount of concepts that you need to master. Just answer EOC questions multiple times till you no longer need to flip back and forth.

60% of candidates in this thread are bound to fail anyways :slight_smile: wow…getting pessimistic.


How so? This does not represent the whole population, so shut up :slight_smile: