Please share what letters require immediate circular filing

Much like pms, Sales people come in different guises so it’s hard to generalise

Yep, managing non-solicited SMAs and pension fund accounts requires the identical skill set of an Ed Jones guy or a mattress salesman for that matter. You certainly have your head around it.

You’re so sales…I’d eat me hat if you are actually a charterholder. You realize you make that claim in your profile? Might want to fix that. Doesn’t reflect well. I can’t find you in the database…

I remember a couple years ago when Bchad implied sales reps might have a high rate of infidelity. You were actually offended and defensive. I can say I’ve never run across a charterholder with such a chip on their shoulder. No way. You had to stop at hacksaw business undergrad with maybe some combination of four letters after your name. Sounds like you’re an upstanding productive member of society, but I smell bullshit on the charter. Not that it matters. Just my take.

^ what the fuck?


That escalated quickly.

Dis gonna be good

PMs or PMS? I suppose both would accurately fit this sentence.


Let’s keep the threats of personal outings and real-life stalkings out of the conversation. Just a reminder that any intentional outings (or publishing a formula on how to find someone) is a bannable offense and such posts will be removed.

I had completely forgotten I’d said anything liike that. But if I did, I think what I was getting at is that the attitude that leads people to rationalize cheating on a romantic partner easily is a similar attitude that would help them perform well in sales in terms of what they are able to do to meet sales targets. So salespeople are likely to have a higher concentration of such types than the population as a whole.

It doesn’t mean “if you have a good salesperson, they cheat on their partners,” it just means “if the sales job seems too slam-dunk, be sure you’re doing good due diligence.”

"As a member of the AnalystForum community, you may not:

  • Post any content that is abusive, obscene, hateful, vulgar, fraudulent, threatening, harassing, defamatory, or which discloses private or personal matters concerning any person;

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  • Impersonate any person, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity."

No worries. I won’t be posting a link to his LinkedIn page. He would be more of an outlier than the Patriot’s fumble rate.

I good deterrent to violating the last rule is a promised likely “outing” by the admin. Not that there is a problem on AF, but I’ve noticed that other forums will keep insurance salesman at bay by outing them when they impersonate a said community professional. Good entertainment when it happens. And fair retribution I would think.

And the human mind is amazing when it comes to the defense mechanism of rationalization. I can’t argue. The “best” sales guys are great at it.

^Igor that is some funny stuff

PM me “my” Linkedin page. I’d love to see it considering I’ve never had one. And, for the record, I am a charterholder and I am in the directory.

Seriously, PM me anything you think you’ve dug up and I’ll give you kudos here if you’re right.

This will be the last time we ever converse.

What’s with all these little shits antagonising contributors lately ?