S&P cuts Russia's rating to JUNK


It depends. I had an affair once with a 32 years old Russian milf.

She looked like a model and had the body of a 23 years old, despite having given birth.

But her genes were definitely on the special side : her father was some kind of olympian.

This is very true.

Did you know, for example, that most of Europe considered the USA cowards and war profiteer after WWI ?

Now it’s all forgotten.

I have no idea to what amount either culture glosses over their darker moments in history. But, I could understand why Japan would shy away from teaching their kids how they treated pretty much every other non-Japanese person throughout history…right up until that policy got Tokyo firebombed and a couple other cities completely annihilated.

It’s a known fact and probably scientifically proven that women and men don’t age the same way. In the case of Russian women, it goes at an exponentional rate. Watch out, when it happens, it will happen quicker than you can blink.

I suspect it’s all the booze. When I see women in their late 20s and 30s starting to age rapidly, the big discriminator in whether it happens or not seems to be is whether they drink and/or smoke a lot, and possibly how much they use drugs, though that is harder to tell sometimes.

I’m sure those things have a lot to do with how men age too, although men have the advantage that aging can often make them more attractive (up to a point).

It’s also true that having children takes a toll to, but most of the effect seems to be about stress and lack of sleep than the actual rigors of childbirth.

LOL - gotta watch her closer than my trades now. Although I do take comfort in what bchad says about alcohol and ageing - she’s not russian in that department. And she’s made me take up yoga, which is a bit annoying coz I don’t wanna stretch after 12 hrs of looking at numbers, I wanna run/lift some flippin weights.

Btw., I hear yoga is extremely popular in Moscow these days---->>>

“What can one advise our U.S. colleagues to do? Spend more time in the open, practice yoga, stick to food-combining diets, maybe watch some comedy sketch shows on TV,” Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told Interfax news agency. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/r-russia-to-us-on-crimea-annexation-accept-it-and-move-on-2014-03#ixzz3QPsesWk8

speaking of junk…
