Sandra Bullock Named People Magazine's 'Most Beautiful Woman'

I always thought she was somewhat attractive, but “most beautiful in the world” does baffle me. Did they really run out of candidates?

bullock and aniston sure aged quickly

At first, I thought that your wife said she was voted most beautiful woman as a joke and you laughed.

^ Absolutely what I thought when I read that. Who TF reads People magazine anymore? Probably only AARP members with way too much time on their hands when they are not sucking the tax money out of the next generations.

ha! Can you imagine? Dog house for life.

Can I add to that height categories for basketball? A league for less than 5’6", a league for less than 6’", and then what we have.

who is she

Sandra’s body type is the prettiest of all the body types. She isn’t the most beautiful. Beautiful women have supermodel body types. Gisele or Faith Hill for example. For male think of Roger Federer, Rob Lowe, or Michael Jordan. Federer’s wife is a good example of Sandra’s body type. These people are very agreeable. Don’t get into arguments all that much. Now if Sandra has an enlarged skull, she’ll be very sexy.

WHAT!!! No, no, no, no…

Hahaha my thought the same.

If the most beautiful women on the list are all 25 and under, their readers will think “should i just kill myself now?”


to my knowledge, there’s a difference between good looking and beautiful. A beautiful women does more than just being pretty everyday

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Your eye, sir,…hmmm. …Enlarged skull?

Come on. Don’t call me sir. You make me feel like i am 50. I just read a lot and understand a few things. To be honest, i look no more than 27, 28. Think Rob Lowe’s youthful appearance.

Sandra is actually just a slimmer version of Mirka’s body type. The distinct feature of this body type is the roundness. The more roundness, the more apparent the characteristics. More so in men than women.

You probably haven’t met these types. Their skull is quite large. Big forehead. These types are very adorable. Atleast to me. Very silly, clumsy at times, slow but not stupid. The two that i have met have great determination. Most women have determination. But they have abnormal determination. And that’s very sexy. While i am just the opposite. Intelligent, quick thinking, nice, and the handsome type. So the old saying opposites attract does ring some truth. But it’s the opposite in temperaments. And that’s how you find love. Once a connection has been made correctly through the sexual relations, overtime certain bonds can never be broken. No reason for anyone to go outside of marriage to seek someone else.


Sorry if I sounded harsh.

LOL with Greenman. True.

I do recall that I first saw Sandra Bullock when she was in that movie with Stallone and Snipes and she definitely caught my attention.

^ How do the shells work?

Demolition man?

^ That’s the one.