Sappy Friends on Social Media

Apologies, i took your post as a jab. Got cousins that do this crap that are over 30 years old I dont get it. besides we all know the internet is for porn

you forgot about rescue dog owners. They, like crossfitters and yogis, are better than everyone else.

So why are BMs off limits on AF? Is THAT where the sponsors draw the line…

I have no idea what my friends that work in successful careers are up to on facebook, but I get updates every five minutes from the ones with less than stellar careers.

Nothing worse than the fitness nuts, I should be a certified personal trainer with the amount of exposure I’ve had to it…

Try mentioning how they could have saved dozens with the funds they spent on “their” rescue. Confusion, anger, then embarrassment. Quite entertaining really. Similar to illustrating to the broke do-gooder attorney how much more “good” she(always a she) could have done if she would have become a BSD and hired fifty attorneys to work on her cause.

this one chick i had on fb had the trifecta of annoyingness…crossfit, rescue dog foster parent, mom and recently divorced…so the quad-fecta. bruuuuutal

as ridiculous it is to see these posts, it is comedic gold when you see it all crash and burn

Oh, stick around here. You’ll feel like you should be training the trainers.

haha. This would be suicide at one of those dog-friendly breweries where I live where about 80% of the dogs are either rescues or labradoodles.

^When I was in the states for the holidays I could not understand when it became socially acceptable to take your dog everywhere! I even saw some people holding their dogs like fricking kids.

Went to one of these places one time and while the people are annoying, I was able to pet lots of dogs which I was pretty happy about. Not having a dog sucks

This was my thought too.

Posts like this on social media are usually meant as a direct message to one person.

Wife - “I swear I have no idea where those lipstick stains on my shirt collar came from.”

Mistress - “Know your place” and/or used to provoke jealousy

Ex - “Look how happy I am. I’m over you. Seriously. And please ignore those drunk texts I sent.”


the worst are the folks that post pictures on their kids 24/7. its the same group of people and they also comment on each others kids photos with hearts and awws and other annoying bullshit