Should prisoners get the vote?

^ Yes, long ago was so much better than today. Also - the world you speak of didn’t exist.

But it did exist in some parts of the world, at least America, which is where the majority of the forum is from:

I wouldn’t say that all things were better back then, but certainly some components were. It’s common sense: if you dilute the power of the stakeholders in a society, you end up with a bunch of freeloaders trying to take from the people who are actually investing, creating jobs, and improving their communities.

Parasites= The retired on SS, college students, housewives, people making minimum wage. Yeah that sounds like an idea from someone who hates Americans.

Well you did say “very right”, not just “right of the median for the overall US population”. Besides the fact that we’re talking qualitative factors (so we can’t define a “median”), Reublicans actually tend to be more in line with the US population since the US population tends to be somewhat conservative on issues. So Democrats are probably more likely to elect someone with “extremist” views (e.g. Obama).

That said, the Republican Party is right of the population, though probably is less “extreme” than the Democrat Party given the somewhat conservative nature of Americans.

In the end, politics is like sports. People pick a team, and then associate and identify with it. I remember a a number of far-left Democrats whining whenever Bush invoked God. But this apparently same group appears to be silent today as Obama defines who is really a Muslim and who isn’t. Surely the latter is a much greater affront to the left’s belief in “Separation of Church and State”. Double standards that arise out this blind devotion to the home team.

What renders any of these groups unable to own property or pay taxes? My housewife-wife co-owns our house. I paid plenty of taxes while working on my MBA part-time since I had a cozy income. And, of course, people on SS are far wealthier as a group than the rest of the population.