So Ted Cruz is born in Canada but is eligible to run for POTUS?

I would argue that Obama is more white than black.

I would argue that he is half white and half black.

Depends on the audience.


In America, if someone has visibly darker skin than they are considered black (it has nothing to do with genetics). For that reason, people in America do NOT consider Obama more white then black.

^I’m sunburned today. Does that make me Hispanic?

This is true. Democrats are constantly bragging about how they elected the first black president, they always seem to forget about his white half.

That’s a pretty broad generalization from somebody trying to criticize Americans of generalizing…

Barack looks black, and his name is Barack Obama. Thus, people view him as a black guy. He is half white, but I don’t believe you guys really think that Americans view him as equally white and black.

I can’t believe some people really are suggesting he is white or ‘more’ white. Race is defined by phenotype not genotype by those you interact with. . . do a lot of you walk around with DNA decoding kits?

Bob Marley is half white.

And Charlize Theron is African-American.

Would you rather have Rand Paul?

^I would.

Someone does not have to support Rand Paul because they do not support Ted Cruz. I don’t even think they will be that different in policy, other than for some social issues like abortion or gay stuff. There are limits to what a President can do compared to their campaign rhetoric.

However, if I had to choose between the two, I would support Rand Paul. Ted Cruz is just… an asshole.

Is Cruz the guy that shot a coyote while out jogging or am I thinking of someone else? If thats the same guy, I endorse him!

I think that was Rick Perry, who claims to have shot a rattlesnake while jogging - jogging with this laser sighted pistol…

Unfortunately, Rand isn’t as strong as a libertarian as his father. He’s against gay marriage, strongly pro-life, and anti-marijuana legalization.

The big difference between Rand Paul and Ted Cruz is Rand believes it should be up to the states to decide those issues, while Ted would use whatever power he has at the federal level to change (or not change) the law. That’s a not-so-subtle distinction. Rand recognizes there are Americans out there that don’t agree with him and he believes they should have a voice. Ted thinks people that disagree with him are idiots and should be told what to do.

Rand’s a bit too conservative for me, but leaps better than Cruz.

It was Perry who shot a coyote (inside the Austin City Limits…inside a gated community) while jogging.

But I’d still rather jog with him that with our current governor. Jogging with him is perilous to your health.

This is the man that should be President. I’m not sure there is anything more American than that set of circumstances, unless of course the coyote had black fur.

Trump is bringing this topic up almost a year after I did. And now it’s the most talked about topic on CNN, MSNBC and Fox.

It’s like being right on a trade but being way too early. I feel like Michael Burry without the $1.2 billion in my account.